Sunday, May 14, 2023

classic c cinema

hello there

it was not so long ago (Christmas, look you see) that i gone done watched three all time greats of cinema which happened to (kind of) all have titles which commenced with the letter "c". this is particularly true of some two thirds of the titles if you are inclined to neglect the "the" aspect of them. 

now, or the day today when this got gone done published, seems like as much of an appropriate time to give a cursory glance of each and wonder which, if any, might be the best of them. for clarity, or the sake of it, the films in question are Convoy and, of course, both of the first two (i think they did a third) films from the expanded universe of Cannonball Run

yes, as you have perhaps (or possibly) worked out, my most recent viewings of these films was on the fancier version of video, which is blu ray disc. well, of course in this brave new world we have an even more fancier version, something called "4k", but i really (really) cannot be @rsed "upgrading" yet again. and it was very much at the behest of my brother that i ended up with these three in this quite good, not too expensive format. 

with regards to, or in respect of, costs and provenance, all three (3) were purchased off of that great big virtual car boot sale of the internet. the bay of e. as to the level of my investment, well, specific fisca details would be frightfully vulgar, but i don't think i laid out much north or south of £20.

rather likely that what little i have to say on each of these films is nothing new, but Convoy. this film is particularly excellent if you happen to like big massive trucks. or, in fairness, also bent, corrupt police officers. should your preference be for loads and loads of trucks driving across America (where else) and being chased by bent coppers, well, this is the film for you. 

certainly i do quite like this one. not as much as my brother, but no one on the planet loves the film as much as he does. this much is true, at least, of the cast and (in particular) crew, who(m) from what i can gather spent most of their time making this movie trying to get fired off it. strange people, them that work on films. at first they seem to struggle to get jobs, and when they have them they complain about getting them. most peculiar. 

you would think that the first Cannonball Run motion picture would be my favourite, since it has Sir Roger Moore in it. except he's just billed as Roger Moore, as he didn't have his prestigious knighthood when he gone done this. but they could have gone and edited the titles to reflect that he is now Sir Roger Moore when they "remastered" it (or whatever) for the blu ray release. also Glass Eye is exceptional in it, too. 

unlike reports off of Convoy, quite clearly everyone had fun making Cannonball Run. well, at least most of the time. everything about it suggests the idea was to make a funny, entertaining film by having immense fun doing it all. 

generally, or in general, Cannonball Run II gets poor reviews. which is baffling, as it is also ludicrously fun entertainment. sure, it lacks Sir Roger, and who knew something with Tony Danza in it would be really quite funny, but it is. also Mr Sinatra is in it, and from what i can recall of film trivia this was his last ever film appearance. so you get Glass Eye, Dino and The Chairman in one film. 

my favourite memory of this one is taking my brother to the local odeon to see it, one school holiday. possibly summer, but could have been easter. i remember us being fortunate as the cinema decided to take it off after three or four days, a decision which made the newspaper. can't remember why they took it off, possibly (most likely) as very few people went to see it. also, the group of lads going in before us got told to behave in the cinema, but we didn't. not sure if i should be happy or disappointed that we were determined to be well behaved. 

all three (3) of these films belong in the video collection of anyone or everyone. they are wonderful. not sure which, if any, are on them "streaming" things, but having them on disc or tape means you can pretty much enjoy them as often as you like. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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