Saturday, July 04, 2009

hello there Lyla!

hey there

Grandma and Grandad recently made the splendid, picturesque trek up north to go and see Richard, Erika and of course Lyla. unusually, you might think, Grandad took along his camera and got some great pictures!

when visitors come to see Lyla, there is always the chance that James is with them. to be safe, then, Lyla decided to grab and keep as many toys as possible, just in case he decided to come along and help himself.

alas, and sadly, James was not along on the trip (and sadly neither were we - and i have noticed that there are not one thousand chocolate chip cookies on the table when we come, thanks for that), but Grandad very much was, and he for some inexplicable reason was rather interested in getting his hands on some pink dough....

you will have no doubt noted that Grandad is growing a beard again - nice one, he has an excellent Ernest Hemmingway, or Popeye's Dad out of Popeye, look when he does!

and finally, here's a pic of Lyla smiling away!

ace pictures, thank you! hopefully we shall see you all soon!!

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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