Thursday, June 19, 2008

nine thousand nine hundred and forty five

hey everyone

sorry if this is tiresome for you all by now, but as per the below i have contacted the Post Office to remind them of my missing parcels - a magnificent seven in total when i reported it.

it was rather hard work to get it reported, they wanted to just issue me with a reference number without me even giving any information!!

when i finally did manage to give them the details of all my missing parcels, i let them give me the reference number. it was, as you will no doubt have guess, 9945. on the basis of their system, mine is the 9945th complaint they have received year to date.

and in the press release as posted below they claim to have not received any complaints at all about this matter. are they seriously expecting anyone to believe that not one of the 9944 complaints before mine related to all of this??

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