i very much enjoyed the first Alien vs Predator film, and always found it sad that so-called fans lambasted it because of the relatively low age restriction it got. what, does more swearing and more skin on display make for a better film, does it? sure, there were faults with it (mysterious spiders and cobwebs in a building which had been under 100s of kilometers of ice for thousands of years springs to mind), but on the whole it was rather good fun indeed. i guess i am thankfully in the majority, hence them making another one. a shame that Bishop probably won't feature this time, but there you go!
on the film front, there has not been any more leaks or promo stuff for The Dark Knight of late. i keep an eye out for more stuff, but i guess they don't want to reveal everything right away.
meanwhile, my Elvis inspired ambition to see KFC serve The Colonel's finest for breakfast seems to have popular support at verk if nowhere else. i look forward to one day being able to have peanut butter coated crispy fried chicken pieces with toast, orange juice and possibly hash-browns for breakfast one day soon. so do you, if you think about it carefully.....
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!