Thursday, October 31, 2019

in such an early song

howdy pop pickers

not a great deal, look you see, to be sure. i've just noted (observed) that i have not honoured my commitment to not have something bowie related each and every month.

i'm uncertain if i like this, but all the same this caught my eye on my roaming of the internet. truly, it would seem to originate (in terms of provenance) from an American magazine (New York, maybe, specifically) published in 1981. and why not.

meanwhile, mindful of today ostensibly being halloween, or whatever, here you go. not sure who needs the credit for noticing this and putting this together, but whoever you are thank you indeed for placing it on the internet.

the great Kubrick appears to have "borrowed" something, then. or paid "homage". oh. well, in the words of Bono, every artist is a cannibal, every poet is a thief, all kill their inspiration, then sing about their grief. maybe.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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