Monday, October 21, 2019

houses in motion


there are certain sights, look you see, that (which?) one would only reasonably expect to see in quite specific parts of the world.

one such thing is that thing which they seem to do in America. specifically, that thing they do where they appear to build a house in one place, then elect to transport it to a different location. or, i suppose, it could be that they simply move the house to a new location from where it was, for reasons that are not too clear but are probably all aesthetics or cultural.

it was with some surprise, then, that i got a video off of my sister showing this very act, as it were, happening. and all of this was whilst my sister was not in America, where one would reasonably expect to see such, but in her (now, i suppose) native New Zealand.

do i think it is possible that them there in New Zealand are doing this as a means of embracing the American approach to such matters? not really, but i suppose it could be that just as much as it is them doing it to spite Australians in some peculiar way. my sister offered no explanation, and in truth i did not solicit one. sometimes things are better accepted as just being.

ooh, have we got a video? yes, we have got a video.

undoubtedly there are at least one or two of you out there who have an interest in this sort of thing. should that be you, then i trust the video above has been of some interest. in truth, i, too was quite taken by the improbable logistics of it all.

would i ever consider commissioning the relocation of a house, or similar structure, from one place to another? i really don't see any circumstance under which that would be a presented option. mostly, i would assume that whilst the ambivalent extravagance of such an action has obvious, latent appeal, no, probably not.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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