Thursday, October 17, 2019

dodged a bullet

hello there

some of the more regular readers, as well as select friends and family, look you see, will know that i quite recently selected some new spectacles (glasses frames) for my routine, regular visual requirements. other than my usual D-Fens out of Falling Down style frames, i purchased some what look like those boss ones what assassins and similar hitmen used to wear in classy 70s and 80s movies.

there has been an unexpected, and some (certainly not all) would say unfortunate consequence to my selection of smart 70s assassin style glasses. other than making me look absolutely badass, as i believe the saying goes, it seems i have attracted the attention of other, or if you will actual assassins.

yes, indeed, it would seem that one of them tried to "take me out", so to speak. they failed, hence me being able to write this.

quite an impressive attempt too, really. the above shows where the assassin's bullet penetrated a fourth floor window, or a window on the fourth storey of a building, whichever is the correct way of saying it. i would imagine that the would be assassin, or failed assassin i guess, was some distance away, so as to secure a speedy exit.

why, exactly, would someone wish to have me assassinated? i have no idea. there are probably several reasons one could think of, but i would have thought that the expense of hiring someone to actually do it would not have been worth it. not for the first time in my life, i am wrong, going on the evidence to hand.

oh, sure, yes. there will be many who would address the above with "well, why would you not arrange to have him (me, moi) assassinated if you could?". i am terribly sorry if i have upset someone all that much, but also i would have thought they risked turning me into a martyr in regards of whatever it was i did that caused such displeasure.

a bit of a risky close up there, then. you can see relatively clearly that an assassination attempt was somewhat anticipated, for that special reinforced "shatter proof" glass was fitted for just such an instance. but, even then, with the right (or possibly wrong) sort of bullet, well. evidence tends to speak.

exactly how was i able to avoid my own demise at the hand of an assassin? there are certain aspects of this which for numerous reasons i cannot disclose. one of the main ways, however, would be (with rather deft skill) the simplicity of not happening to be there when the would be (failed) assassin chose to strike. quite fortunate.

how has this episode affected me? not much, in truth. one cannot let such as the assassins win. there is no way that i am going to stop (or cease) wearing my boss 70s / 80s hitman / assassin frames, not that i wear them all that often. if i did that, then victory would be in the hands of those who seek to stop me. why someone would wish to, i know not.

let me get on with living my life, then, whilst i still appear to have it. i would not wish to say that this is in defiance of those who would try to assassinate me, rather just how it is. under the rules and regulations of the English way of doing things i am obliged to wish the assassins better luck with their next attempt, but this feels not quite right.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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