Monday, October 07, 2019

car wash in a commodore mode once more

hey there

my apologies, then. i am aware that many of you only check here for more examples of a car wash working presented in commodore 6 mode, look you see. this is something i have not given any new examples of for a while. let me remedy such.

again, just about as is the case with all posts on this particular subject, i really do not understand the fascination or interest with this. that, also, is all of consequence that i have to say on the topic too, but i will find a few words to put around the pictures for your pleasure.

yes, the above is one of the early aspect parts of the car wash experience. if phase one is paying to use the car wash facility and manoeuvring your vehicle, or if you have a sense for the theatrical and dramatic chariot, into position, then it could be said that the commencement of the car or vehicle wash signifies phase two. probably. well, i have never really sat and thought about it, or charted it, or mapped it out.

for a number of you the still image, being of them soft brush things, just will not be enough. i understand and appreciate this. to show this understanding and appreciation, here you go, one of them "animated gif" things, of course in Commodore 64 mode, partially showing them soft brush things doing their thing. kind of.

we, at the time of writing, are approaching autumn and, as a subsequent consequence, winter. that means that this could be the last car wash, in Commodore 64 mode or any other variation, post for the year. not because vehicles ("cars") do not get washed during winter or autumn, of course, but rather because the lighting in darker days may not be what is required for optimal car wash documenting and recording.

this is of course subject to change. at the moment the much cherished fourth estate, the newspapers, are predicting both the hottest autumn for like totes forever, in which we all may well burn to death, as well as, like, the coldest ever winter, in which we shall all freeze to death. both of these have drawbacks, for sure, but they also give every indication that maybe there shall be enough light to allow for some decent images to be taken. we shall see.

above are some of them soft brushes again. they might be the same ones, only set vertically instead of horizontally. or, in these crazy selfie days, portrait instead of landscape. from what i recall these are the ones which do a bit of drying, or "buffing", to the vehicle after the other ones have spread some soapy water, or water with soap in it, over the exterior.

how about, at the risk of sounding like a former football manager turned pundit, resplendent in a sheepskin coat, i "mix it up" a bit and present you something a little bit different? yes, another of them Commodore 64 mode "animated gif" things, but no, not a forward facing one as has become the standard.

yes, a partially exciting "side view" of the car wash for you. this represents one of the windows, and indeed one of the wing mirrors, being washed. some of you, with a keen eye and a passion for attention to detail, shall have observed the vertical ("portrait") brush thingie visible, or if you will reflected, in the previously (as in just now) mentioned mirror.

going beyond car washing services but remaining in the realm of vehicles, have i, as the kids of today say it (i think), pimped my ride at all? why, yes. not in the way that i would have before, such as sheepskin steering wheel covers or smart driving gloves, but a more mature, sophisticated and by that i mean subtle way.

presumably you don't need me to tell you what exactly you are looking at above, but for the sake of clarification, yes, a "silver" like dust cap has been placed on one of them fiddly bits where you put the air and that into the tyres. i dropped the original black ("noir") one as i was doing the latter part of the previous sentence, but noted a shiny silver one right there as i looked for it.

as far as i am concerned this new dust cap is made out of that same sort of futuristic chrome titanium steel stuff what they make the terminators out of, and indeed robocop's smart outfit. well, proper robocop of course, and not that horrible, rubbish remake. when them terminators turn up from the future, they will know not to mess with me and my wheels. that is the plan.

right, well, there you go. for all of you who for some reason enjoy this kind of thing, may many moments of pleasure have been extracted.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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