Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Boxing Day Fun

nice one, i have just listened to (well, sang along to) Body And Soul by Ms Jo Kennedy. can't you get any of her music anywhere??????

Boxing Day saw a full house for us - Michele's Mum, Gran and Brother arrived, as well as her sister, boyfriend and the twins! having three under 2's running around was fun!

well, as we were at home, and the weather was agreeable, we got to put up the most excellent present Mummy got for James - a rather brilliant castle, slide and swing thing. he's rather wary of the swing at the moment, but the slide is king of all things for him at the moment!

James has not quite got the hang of getting to the top of the slide as such; he's quite contect to try and climb back up it until someone picks him up and puts him at the top. no doubt he will soon clock that the steps just next to the slide might very well serve a good purpose.....

and of course, more visitors meant more presents for him. Grandma Monica has got him a most excellent walking device - he pushes it along, and it makes all sorts of song and dance which keeps him happy!

well, i think that's that for festive pictures. i truly hope that your Christmas and New Year time has been as wonderful as ours has.

be most excellent to each other!!

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