Sunday, December 31, 2006

Bob The Builder

hey everyone

all the best for 2007, have a most excellent one!!

James has spent the last morning of the last day of 2006 with Grandma and Grandad, helping out with their ambitious and impressive building work in the garden. James seems to be quite a wizard with a spirit level, although i suspect Grandad didn't quite want him to mix so much cement with it! here are the pics :

Grandad is coming over on New Year's Day to do some shelving for us, which will be ace. i imagine James will be the assistant again, my DIY skills are not all that impressive, quite frankly.

otherwise, not much else to tell you all about!

be excellent to each other!! i am tempted, for 2007, to change my signoff to "Let's Be Careful Out There", but in truth i was never all that much of a fan of Hill Street Blues........

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