Sunday, January 22, 2023



it has, from what i recall, been a good few years since i last did any sort of updates on what calendar i might be using. could be two years, or as many as three, look you see. presumptuous moi perhaps, but i had assumed that all in sundry in the world would have found a more better way (of greater efficiency) of procuring calendar information than mulling through my blog. 

this isn't really a return (as such) to regular calendar updates. rather, well, just a fortuitous one. today, being of the date published, is the official commencement of the Chinese New Year. this feels a bit strange, for i am kind of used to such dawning in February. no matter. it is, for them, now the Year Of The Rabbit, which kind of ties in with my new calendar. 

after some deliberation, and indeed meditation, on the matter i elected to purchase a British Wildlife calendar for the year this year (2023). in no small part was this down to a hedgehog being proudly on the cover. but, as you can surely see in the greater good and glory of Commodore 64 mode above, the images on the calendar have commenced with a lovely mountain hare. yes, true, i know, a hare is not a rabbit in that it has a different name, but this magnificent creature is at the very least rabbitesque. more pedantic types are welcome to argue this should it make them feel better. like, you know, them type what argue about what is and what is not a mountain, or similar such (mass) debate. 

what does it being the Year Of The Rabbit mean for both (or either) the Chinese New Year and the parts of the world which are not China? no idea. probably, likely a considerable amount in China, but not as much to the rest of the world, in particular the so-called "west", as it would have done in the 70s. and even then, not so much. 

let me kind of (quasi) explain. a defining feature, or characteristic, of the 70s was the immense interest in all things zodiac, astrology and what have you. at least so far as the dating scene was concerned. with no internet thing to look up the truth, as it happens the overall majority of men, when trying to engage in a relationship with a lady, stated that they were of course born in the Year Of The Dragon, for that was clearly the coolest sounding one. a rather small percentage said Year Of The Cat, for it made them sound more sensitive, but the decade wasn't really a time for sensitive men. have a look at the moustaches what most gents had, see what i mean. 

up above is a clearer image of the calendar for anyone who (for some reason) wishes for such, with the mountain hare doing a pretty decent job of avoiding the flash off of my camera welded to a phone. 

have i ever claimed to be Year Of The Dragon, for dating reasons or any other purpose? no. despite the rumours and lies and stories they made up, i really do throw straight dice, in a simple way. for what value or meaning it has, i am Year Of The Ox. but, that said, i do have Year Of The Dragon on video (disc), if that assists. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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