Sunday, March 01, 2020

soft rains continued and each storm waited


well, here we are. the third brave (and bold) month of 2020, which like the third month of 2019 (and presumably 2021, if we make it that far, look you see) is most commonly referred to as march. had everyone at the time just all agreed on, embraced and accepted the Napoleonic calendar, it would be called something else. what, exactly? from what i remember it would have been of a more floral nature in name, but anyway.

there would not be a great deal i could add to your understanding (or knowledge) of march as a month which was not covered last year. indeed, the title for my calendar post for march 2019 was slightly better, if you happen to be an advocate of all things ocean colour scene. and who among (or amongst, i never know which to use when) (and no i do not care) us is not?

as usual, then, a look at my calendars. this is not, to be sure, me showing off, trying to act all posh simply because i have such in my home. no, this is rather for the benefit of that slightly off the beaten track kind of reader who really cannot be bothered with their own calendar, yet for some reason quite likes the idea of using mine for any possible calendar related matters which occur in their life.

quite a dull and dreary one for the Star Wars calendar, then, in the form of them fancy space planes they have. x-wing fighters, i believe is the correct name for them. this is ground i have covered before, but again we see the penchant for Star Wars merchandise to be either space planes or any character that happens to be a robot (gay or otherwise), or otherwise normally has a bucket on their head. it is not for reasons of fan popularity that this is so, but rather that if you steer clear of using images of any actual people in the films you do not have to pay them royalties or image rights use fees. purely a business decision, then.

does it really, or particularly, matter that all Star Wars merchandising decisions are taken from a purely fiscal perspective? i would not think so. all of it is very nearly "win win", for fans of anything will pretty much appreciate anything shiny associated with the object of their affection, and besides, very nearly most of the films in the franchise are agreeable.

but for now you would possibly (or probably) wish for some dates of relative consequence to look out for in march. my view is always that you should concentrate on what is important to you, but if these help or provide some "really" moments of interest, then great.

2 - it was on this day in 1990 that Nelson Mandela was elected deputy president of the ANC. less than a month after coming out of prison. man, that is some remarkable rehabilitation and reintroduction to society success.

5 - Mark E Smith out of The Fall was born on this day in 1957. of his many achievements, the greatest is considered to be that The Viz identified him as the first person ever to say that "Viz isn't as funny as it used to be".

9 - on this day in 1978, ITV screened what is considered one of the best, greatest and most important episodes of George and Mildred ever filmed.

12 - a very happy Mauritius Day to one and all, for this day is the day on which the nation celebrates becoming a Republic, back in 1992. yes, that Mauritius, where it was the only place where the dodo existed. on the one side, sure, in evolution terms they got lazy and lost the ability to fly. being able to do so might have prevented human intervention from making them extinct, but we shall never know. us humans can never ever be as determined or as thorough when it is destruction we have a mind for.

15 - today is the birthday of no less than Umut Bulut, widely and universally considered by some to be the greatest, best and most important Turkish footballer of all time. born in 1983, of all his displays of excellence most would say his hat trick in the Turkish destruction of Andorra in September 2013 stands as the finest.

Umut Bulut image credit

 - on this day in 1963 the first (or if you like debut) album by The Beatles, Please Please Me, was released. not sure anyone expected what was to follow.

24 - the cherished and much loved oil company exxon became (slightly) less cherished and loved on this day in 1989 when they launched an ambitious attack on seals, otters, salmon and so forth in Alaska. no one is entirely sure what score was trying to be settled, but nature somehow more or less prevailed. well, with a touch of help.

26 - happy birthday to author Patrick Süskind, born this day in 1949. yes, the only novel of his i have read is Perfume, which you should read too. the eventual film version was excellent, coming after years of attempts to make it by the likes of Kubrick and Scorsese. also Nirvana paid suitable homage to the novel with their song Scentless Apprentice.

27 - Duran Duran released the single Out Of My Mind on this day in 1997. ostensibly it was off of the film The Saint, featuring him out of Top Gun what had the better hair, although it did also feature on the Duran Duran album Medazzaland. which is an excellent album, but for some reason got released hardly anywhere in the world. anyway, the shirt what Simon le Bon (Simes) (Simon le Bloody Bon) wears in the video for this particular single is one of his most elegant, foppish best.

29 - the world rejoiced on this day in 1985, for Police Academy 2 Their First Assignment was released. it is a motion picture widely regarded as being - by some distance - in the top four of all the Police Academy films ever to have been made of the ones which starred Steve "Steve Guttenberg out of Police Acadmey" Guttenberg. should you ever meet anyone that disagrees, simply dismiss them with the phrase "haters are always going to hate". if they persist, then take to social media and write things like "#F***TheHaters", "#TeamSteveGuttenbergOutOfPoliceAcademy" and so forth. also, update your status to say "thoughts and prayers with Steve Guttenberg Out of Police Academy".

for the more esoteric, or secular (or indeed discerning) calendar user, yes, of course there is a look at my sensational new zealand calendar for the month this month. which is march, in case you are looking from a different month.

having not been to new zealand, no, i have not been to this place. oddly, though, i have indeed been to a place called three sisters in australia, which if i recall right is full tilt next door to new zealand. katoomba, the blue mountains, i believe. one never knows, maybe one day, in answer to any question you may have. either about this or anything, i guess.

right, then, i believe this gives you ample means to plan your month out and gives you some dates to consider as you do. yes, with all being as it is and as things stand now, of course a similar post shall appear in april, but it should (i expect) rather be about that month than this.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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