Tuesday, March 17, 2020

greggs and sex (presumably) and cigarettes on the streets (apparently)

hey there

yes, just another one of them posts that is both, look you see, about certain observations made on my travels and pretty much covered in detail by the title. but, as we are here now (even if i am just metaphorically, or whatever, with you by virtue of writing this), so if you have a few moments you could consider thinking about having a look at this. or not, if you are busy, or simply have something better to do.

so, well, right then. as i wander around this world, for those unfamiliar with such posts as this, i see, every now and then, some peculiar things. once in a while they suggest themselves as being full worth of placing on here. even if that suggestion is quite a spontaneous (or heat of the moment) thing, and in truth no it is not worth sharing.

this time (much as the title suggestions, or quite clearly states), it was not just the one thing i saw, but a total of three. a trilogy, if you like, or triumvirate, but i suspect the latter is only supposed to be used in Shakespeare plays what are considered historical or what have you.

i insult you and disgrace myself if i suggest that the crystal ultra clear Commodore 64 mode image above requires any sort of narrative or discussion concerning what is featured. but, yes, for the sake of completeness, pictured above are a used, slightly distressed "classical" greggs cup, some extinguished (spent) cigarettes and a prophylactic (the poshest, most sanitised and family friendly term i can think of for a rubber johnny) that from a distances appeared soiled and i was certainly not going any closer to confirm such.

perhaps the positioning (i am reluctant to say juxtaposition) of all this is one of the more fascinating aspects, indeed elements. is this all, i wonder, the route of an adventure someone (presumably a gent, for some of it in the company of a lady or perhaps a fellow, like minded gent) had? maybe, looking at the placement near the kerb, they emptied all of this out of their car, which gives every indication of whoever left it having a far more interesting and involved time of it than me whilst driving. or maybe the previous owner (custodian) of all this was diligent enough to put it all in the rubbish, but the bin bag tore as they took it away for responsible disposal. this latter theory is, you would think, the only way whoever did this could avoid getting knacked off of that Greta lass.

oh. it is literally (as i write this) only now that i note a rather splendid pair of sunglasses has also been included in this menagerie of excess. you can see them in the below, just north of the distressed greggs cup yet south of the drain which missed the opportunity to take these items away to the sea.

exactly how many parallels are there with the above items and my own life? not many, really. yes, of course cigarettes remain something that i am most enthusiastic about, especially how since not once when mending my kidney (or whatever) the medical professional attending me drew attention to fags being at fault. as for the greggs cup, well, i don't particularly like their coffee, and drinking tea out of one of them paper cups is just crass and done only from desperation. with regards to the sunglasses and the contraceptive device (spent or otherwise), generally speaking my life is one which apparently has little requirement for either.

where in the world did i see such a spectacle? i had no wish to reveal that this was redcar, for certain preconceived ideas of the place may have led to some readers making a rush to judgement. so far as i am aware it would be secured in safety to suggest that sights such as this are possible to see in the majority of towns and cities in our land.

anyway, if there was little to say of all this at the start there is less so now. very much nothing else, as it happens, except to thank you for whatever time you opted to use reading this.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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