Monday, February 04, 2019

of luck and superstition

hello there

and so another month, and so another calendar update for all of you out there who really like using my blog for such matters. once again i must say it would surely be easier, look you see, for you to purchase your own calendars. but, that said, you are always and forever welcome to make use of mine, as and when i get around to adding it here.

february is, of course, a curious month. whereas all months of each year have 28 days, pedantic fans, it is the case that february is limited to only 28. at least for 3 out of every 4 consecutive years, or if you will for 75% of the case in a four year measured cycle. why is this so? for this answer, if it is a question, we must go back many, many years. as opposed to forward. the answer resides with luck, superstition, King Numa and what can only be described as the Roman way of doing things. except not in a Life Of Brian presentation way.

as simply as i can, Numa (and most Romans i guess, i don't know) considered even numbers unlucky and so sought to ensure that all the days of the designated months of the lunar cycle (what we now call a "year") were odd. however, 10 or 12 (them crazy Romans and their obsession with decimal) sets of odd numbers equates to an even number. so it came to pass that, in his infinite wisdom, King Numa created february, delegated it to be an "unlucky month", proclaimed that it was a time for the Romans to celebrate the dead, and moved on. except for that bit when february has 29 days, but let me not cloud things.

yeah, that's my Retro Cars calendar for the month. a Vauxhall Cavalier, it says. they do quite like to give exciting, macho, adventurous names to cars, don't they? everything about "cavalier" speaks to those who have dreams and aspirations of being seen as wild eyed, free spirited roaming adventurers. meanwhile, from what i can recall of the 80s, the Vauxhall Cavalier ended up being the choice of car of accountants, low level financial sector workers and entry level middle management starters. nearly all of them wore those massive framed glasses like what assassins in low grade 70s films wore, had crap moustaches and worse hair. hardly buccaneers then, but what are we without dreams i suppose.

and what are we without superstition? very little, it seems. there is absolutely no good reason at all to hold on to the Roman ideology which led to february having twenty eight days alone. but we all need to believe in something, to accept a common ground to ensure the status quo of society rolls over from generation to generation. it would be but the work of a moment to borrow a day off of january and march, bung them on february and thus usually have three months of thirty days each, making any of the three 31 in total every fourth year to address this "leap year" requirement, the requirement for which i accept but the validity of i question.

in clutching to the superstition of someone what has been dead for hundreds, if not thousands of years, what do we say to those who have special stuff in february, such as birthdays, anniversaries, etc? doomed, we are, i suppose. but then nothing lasts forever, anyway.

for those interested, that right there above is the Winnie The Pooh calendar which we ostensibly have in our kitchen. a rather unfortunate flash incident obscures it all somewhat, but basically that is Winnie and the pig one, Piglet i think, commenting that they have found someone like them, or something like that.

oh, no doubt it suits the ruling classes, the elite, to maintain the calendar as it is, with february never ever tasting a date in association with it higher than 29. i have no clue as to why, or in what way they would gain from it, but it is bound to be the case somehow.

well, anyway, that's that for the calendar update for this month. may this, as ever, have been of some assistance to you all as you plot and plan to do what you will with the limited number of days that the powers in control grant us to use.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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