Monday, February 11, 2019

new mug on monday

hi there

there was a time, look you see, when my taking ownership of a new mug was the cause of much merriment and celebration. it still is, i suppose, but now just with a good deal less fuss and in the presence of a considerably smaller crowd.

if we gaze back, rather than forward, we can recall posts such as this one, or indeed this one, to see what i mean by the above. yes, indeed, so important was it that i had a new mug that a decision was taken to bring the mechanisms of corporate banking to a halt so that it may be admired and inspected. or the other way around.

not so much now, of course, as i am no longer at that place of verk, and indeed am no longer office based. what this means is, right, when i get a new mug, the celebrations of it are pretty much limited to just me, then, and of course you, dear reader.

actually, in this instance, it is not just a new mug i got. in a move which perhaps shows my age, maturity and sophistication, wisdom said to purchase a new coaster too. besides, as you shall no doubt have observed, it is something of a matching set, although mug and coaster were sold quite separately. at reasonably pricing, mind, but we may touch on that later.

what is this mug (and coaster) all about? as i would like to think you can see quite clearly in Commodore 64 mode, it's a celebration of Stanley Kubrick's film adaptation of The Shining, or indeed The Shinning as a familiar of mine from more decades than i would care to number ago insisted it be called.

how did i come to own this? i treated myself. as many of you are aware, various members of the nobility, the aristocracy and ruling classes are numbered amongst my contemporaries. of such, an ambassador and a viscount were discussing one of those "online" shops, something called Last Exit To Nowhere. if you click on the name you can see it for yourself. although not myself of such high class, i elected to peruse the site, saw these items and decided to splurge the cash.

for clarity, then, a rare non-Commodore 64 mode image for you. yes, indeed, the mug features a page of the all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy text those familiar with the film will recognise. as too, will they, the splendid carpet out of the hotel where the film was predominantly set (The Overlook, if i recall right) provides the pattern for this coaster.

cost of this venture? not bad. they had some sort of January Sale promotion on. whereas i do not have the exact figure to hand, including (first class) postage, it was north of £10 but well south of £15.

and so that is about all i can tell you, really. in the absence of an office full of people to pose with, all that is left for me to do is show you an image of the new mug in action, as of course it rests on the new coaster.

so far as i can recall that is a half done cup of coffee on the go, although it may well have been tea. in either case, i can assure it was most splendid, enhanced by the use of a lovely new mug.

well, then, lovely, splendid, and that would be that for this.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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