Sunday, February 11, 2018

more snow


no, this is not recent. these images, and indeed the video, hail from those days of the third week of the first month of this year. i have, look you see, become quite excited about scheduling posts in advance, and this just so happens to be the first gap what i have to do something.

yes, probably. if something urgent came up i would mess with the schedule to include it a good deal sooner. to my mind, though, there is no shortage of snow related pictures and videos here, and thus no rush.

quite, yes, oh indeed. if i simply must place pictures of snow here i do appreciate, to be sure, that you would much prefer it to be images of the 75% of my family that you prefer over to me. well, toughies. other than i being the only one out in it, this is new year, new me. you can all just start learning to like me. not much to ask, i would have thought, since you are on my blog and that.

strangely as i write this the snow which commenced as i took the pictures had just begun. it was all nice and light at first, with the nice aspect being that it was not laying and staying. this has now changed somewhat. cripes, for it is inevitable and unavoidable that i must be out driving in it tomorrow. with good fortune it shall have cleared, then. a good start for this would be if it would stop snowing, which at the moment seems not to be the case.

that there above, if you have not been brave enough to simply click and watch, is a video of the snow falling. about ten seconds or so, i think, and all just for your entertainment.

despite being home for several (over four) years, no, i would not describe myself as used to, happy or comfortable with the stuff. probably silly, really. it's just disruptive and scary. i suppose there are a lot worse things i could do than be fearful of it, and i must remember that people who drive in it are not quite of the nature to drive as lunatics and maniacs as was the case on the streets of dear old Jozi.

can you even see the snow in these pictures, i wonder? my suspicion is no, but perhaps you have better eyes. anyway, you can see me in them, and that is splendid. worst case is that you don't like snow and you don't like me, so same difference.

what would be most splendid is if this is the last post on snow for a while. should it be that there is no more to report on until, say, November or December, well then so much the better. actually, even better would be if it could all just stay away until this time next year.

for now, then,

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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