Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Seed And The Sower

here we go with some more pics of James having fun at Grandma and Grandad!! here he is with his tricycle thingie! much like with the wheelbarrow and brick walls, James does tend to get slightly annoyed that he can't quite just go through objects like walls, bags of sand and so on, but learning that is all part of growing up.

and here we are "helping" Grandad plant some new flowers in the garden to help make it look pretty.

i am not at all sure that kicking the plants or stamping on them is the way to go with a successful flower arrangement, but then again i am no expert!!

not a great deal else to report otherwise! for a change, Finding Nemo is on the TV as i sit and type this. James asks for "Mimo" instead of "Nemo", unless he is trying to tell us that he wants something in particular for dinner...........

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!

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