Friday, January 14, 2005

work / Blade Trinity

well, sorry for a lack of updates, or if you will this late-ish one today. just one of those days at work really - could not find much time to myself. oh well, I suppose I do not get paid to mess around too much. at least not all of the time!

we watched Blade Trinity last night, and I have to say I was reasonably impressed with it. I was somewhat dubious about the premise (no spoiler here, it's on the posters and in the trailer), that premise being Blade vs Dracula. however, they kind of pull it off rather well, inventing their own mythology and all that.

as we were watching it, it dawned on me why the Blade trilogy has three entertaining films, whereas the Matrix trilogy consists of one interesting film and two crap sequels. Blade basically uses the same spine of a story in three films, and yet they have cultivated entirely different concepts and sequences around it. you basically get three radically different stories from the same premise, and they remain loyal to that premise. Matrix kind of impressed everyone when it came out, Reloaded was promoted with the "we built 8 miles of highway for this film" policy and managed to discard all that was interesting from the first, and Revolutions was just sheer boredom on screen. I mean, 20 minutes of Keanu dude Reeves stood on a train platform? very groundbreaking indeed!

nice one, Mrs Ricketts. not only has she registered for more courses for her degree, but she has also wisely invested in the new Ian Brown single (Time Is My Everything) and the new one from the Manics (Empty Souls). HMV will ship ours on Monday, which means we will have them on Tuesday or Wednesday. all you kids in the UK, go and buy them!

I am still reading Stark, an early Ben Elton novel. have not got very far with it, but it seems interesting. I enjoyed Dead Famous and Popcorn, but found that High Society dropped the ball a bit. ho hum. I see there is yet another new John Grisham on the way - I have only just finished reading The Last Juror!!!

oh, if any of you reading this have a font called "Myriad", please send it on to me. a good friend of mine is looking for it urgently.

well, that's about it for this update. in the words of "The One", be excellent to each other!

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