hello to all those who got my email and decided to come and have a look, or hello to all of you who have been popping by to see if I have updated it for the past three months!!
a sad day for us. we had some more wild kittens born near us. however, they looked really ill and struggling with the first few months of life, and thus Michele has taken them to the SPCA. we will miss the little things, but we need to know they are going to be looked after. Michele has tried, but we are not experts.
had a look at my class new Bottom : Series 2 DVD today. It has a smart 30 minute section of outtakes. Rik Mayall & Ade Edmondson are probably at their best when they make mistakes!
these days my evenings are somewhat taken over by the game Alien vs Predator 2. It is the coolest game I have played in a long time, which is saying something as it does not feature a chainsaw anywhere. ho hum.
on the subject of chainsaws, I asked for one for christmas, and instead got a smart toy DIY set. the electric drill spins and everything! there was a tense moment when Dylan, my seven year old brother in law (possibly six) wanted to take it away from me, but I cried and sulked enough to be able to keep it. nice one!
oh well, bed time for me. I know at the least my special munchkin is reading this, hope you are happy to see the blog up and running again xxxxx