Sunday, July 03, 2022

horny at the trolley stand


well, that title pretty much describes it all. except, of course, to clarify that it was not me (moi) who could be described as being in that state, look you see. so, you have enough clues as to what this may pertain to, so proceed with your own caution sense in place. 

i was making use of some supermarket or other, somewhere down in the south of England (i cannot remember where, exactly), when i noted (or observed) a peculiar addition to the trolleys (trollies, here we go again, what is the right plural) outside. 

yes, that is pretty much (exactly) what you think it is, on the ground by the trolley collection point. note the deft way i avoided the plural argument there. also, it is what you think it is, assuming you are thinking that it is a discarded wrapper from a well known brand of prophylactic maker (rubber johnnies). sometimes, i yield, it can be quite tricky to work out specifics when presented in the greater good and glory of Commodore 64 mode. 

quite a few questions are prompted by this particular sighting. most of them revolve around why, with some being for what reason, and maybe one or two of how. no, i am not going to ask them here, but feel free to ask them yourself, in a quiet moment. 

presumably the contents (ahem) of the discarded packet were not used right there and then, or then and there, but with what i have seen of the world let us rule nothing out. it is possible a gent, or lady, happened to have this wrapper in their pocket, or purse, or bag, and it sort of slipped out as they either retrieved a £1 coin to get a trolley, or pocketed the same coin after returning it. litter happens.

no, i don't believe there is (really) all that much else i can say on this one. i do strive to try and keep this blog if not "family friendly" then at the very least suitable for all. anything else i could consider thinking of writing here would probably stray a bit too close to the edge of the line of such. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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