Friday, July 22, 2022

bonjour mon amis

tres bien

nothing really, just had a look at the stats for this blog (which i do from time to time) and am quite astounded by my readership. well, very much astounded by somewhere north of 300 people a day popping by, look you see (and thank you for doing so), but also astounded by the make up of said audience. 

quite baffled why so many Frenchies would wish to read this. i would have (really) thought that French internet, whatever that is, would have things of far more interest for them. perhaps a button on their computer is broke, so they can only see this? 

in no way (at all) would i have thought i was avant garde, cosmopolitan, trendy or parisian enough for them, but encore, sacre bleu, there we have it. cheers, nice one. even if they are just coming along to look at it and sneer, or whatever French actually do. 

yes, i do take that "other" as being that people on the high seas or in space reading this. i simply don't f****g care if it is true or not. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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