Saturday, July 09, 2022

could have tripped out quite easy but i decided to stay

hello there

there's a path i walk along on a fairly frequent basis. weekly, look you see. more or less the same time, which i suppose is silly as i am making it all too easy for any state sponsored assassin. no matter. it is a path with is most agreeable, and perfectly serviceable. with respect to the latter, it allows me to go from a letterbox (at which i mail postal items) and towards some shops, where i generally have some business to attend to. at a quite specific point of it i find that if i light a cigarette (sorry), then i shall have finished smoking it by the time i reach a public waste bin on may way, thus enabling me to dispose of my asbestos and rocket fuel laden finished filter in a reasonably responsible way. 

a defining aspect of this walk is that, mostly, it is a lonely one. oh yes, no, i don't mean as anything but the general, for as regular followers of my lot in life shall be all to aware, i have been cast aside, set in exile, destined to be forever alone which was, perhaps (or arguably) my true destiny anyway. in this instance, however, i mean more so that i seldom see anyone take this path, or route, between two particular places. my understanding is that not so many people send letters no more, but still. 

so as to give some sort of relevance (or reason) to the previous paragraph, little if anything of this walk of mine suggests it is an ideal place for one to make some sort of statement, or otherwise drawn attention to some concern or another. at the least, not if one wished a wide audience to take it in. yet this is, of course, precisely what someone has done. 

quite the statement that, especially when (as is the case above) presented in the greater good and glory of Commodore 64 mode. yes, a non-C64 version is below, but for those eager to read a narration of what it says, well, it says "remain terrified, question nothing, stay asleep". not the most fluent, roll off of the tongue phrase ever created, but there is is. also, of course, topped off with some sort of eye inside a triangle, with the triangle (i suspect) presumably intended to represent a pyramid. 

lacking any presented clarification on what this is about (or protests), i shall assume or take as a given that it is all to do with the crusade against the crusade against the new plague, and all that vaccination stuff. or, whilst i wasn't looking, various ideas concerning something called the "illuminati" and their rather clandestine, select ways of covertly controlling the world. or maybe it is all something else. 

of the three (3) statements posed by this sticker, the latter (or final) one is presently of most appeal. to sleep, to remain asleep, to trip out, to drift away and never wake. bliss, perhaps, awaits. does one find that it all comes to an abrupt halt, the impossible to imagine nothingness, or does conscious, spirit, or mind (soul, even) perpetuate infinite, nursed in blankets of soothing recollections? either would be most agreeable, neither appears my fate, momentarily. 

mostly this brought to mind them smart car (or truck, or similar) bumper stickers what were all the rage back in the (19)90s, proclaiming that the government was "lying" about knowing about aliens and what have you. all, undoubtedly, inspired by Mulder & Scully or whatever it was called. rather laughable, of course, the idea of the USA government being able to hide something. they could not kill one President without it being theatrical, then one President could not have a lady perform a certain act of a personal nature without a north of nine hundred page report on it. and they can hide things? 

yes, perhaps i am spreading some conspiracy theory by posting this here, or maybe i am sharing a truth. with them refusing to clarify what, exactly, this pertains to, i simply don't know. but for some reason i remain of a sense of being compelled to put things here, so here we are. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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