Friday, September 03, 2021

penny, spend, in for a, for thoughts, etc

hello there

just a quick word of warning before anything commences (or begins) proper, this is indeed one of those infrequent posts designed, or composed, to appeal most to Spiros. and, of course, like minded members of the gentry. so yes, this shall concern public restroom facilities. urinals, to be quite specific, so please heed my words here, read no more if such is likely to cause you distress. 

i had reason - good reason, i believe - to make use of a public restroom facility. there was both opportunity and pressing need to do so, for i experienced that most interesting of British phenomenon, the ad hoc decision to alter a train timetable at the last moment. one really cannot understand why they simply do not place the word "theoretical" before the words "train timetable" on any such document or display, for all have come to assume it to be all what might run when, if they are of a mind to do so. 

my incident, or experience of this was not an outright cancellation as such, just an earlier in the journey termination than was indicated, with a vague promise of suggestion that from where the train now ceased to run i may well be able to hop on another to get where i needed to be, eventually. as it happens, it did and i did, if that makes relatively coherent sense. 

on disembarking (exiting) the terminated train, i was struck with something of an urgent need to find a bathroom facility. as in various elements of my body (presumably the bladder being the ringleader of this motley band of scoundrels) pressed hard for such, on pain of me involuntarily disgracing myself in public. quite fortunate, then, that i was at a train station which provided a rudimentary, yet perfectly serviceable, such facility. so, off i went. 

whilst there, as you can see above in the greater good and glory of Commodore 64 mode, or clearly in the image below, i noted that someone had place a rather shiny one (1) pence coin into one of the urinals. a curious thing to have done, but then again here the phrase "spend a penny" is used when in polite company and wishing to explain to any interested parties that you propose to go off for a p!ss. or gypsy's kiss, if you prefer that wording. 

perhaps it is so, then, that someone (if you shall forgive the choice of words) tossed one, a penny, into the urinal, as some sort of cerebral, quasi quantum "dad joke" about literally going and spending a penny. to be fair, numerous BBC and ITV sitcoms have been commissioned and broadcast on the basis of a similar premise. 

going somewhat meta, or universal, the unexpected amount of time i found myself in a train station made more sense of a few proclivities what Spiros has, and other gentlemen. when one finds themselves in a transport hub or terminal there really is very little one can do to pass the time beyond simply going to the bathroom on a frequent basis. this is how, i assume, Spiros, who travels a lot, found that he quite likes making short term but mutually beneficial friendships in such places. 

the dominant, or main recollection i have of Dubai airport was just how many gents, presumably of a background of indentured labour, appeared quite thrilled to just hang around the entrance of the gentleman's restroom facility. it is as good a place as any to wait for a means or mode of transport, i suppose. little about my experiences said "do it again" with any immediacy, but i would certainly give it consideration, rather than simply dismissing entire. 

so far as my body messages, that of all of a sudden finding i need to find a bathroom with some immediacy on a frequent basis, well, perhaps it is just age, or something is broken what needs mending. i shall, of course, simply ignore it assuming it, too, shall pass, or wait until something falls off and then make arrangements to see a suitable mender. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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