Monday, August 30, 2021

money talks so listen to it

hi there

i would consider it fair, reasonable and appropriate, look you see, to openly declare yes, i am aware it is so that probably no one at all gives a flying f*** what i do, or do not for that matter, have on my walls in exile as a means of decoration, or a sellotaping of the cracks in a metaphorical manner when all seems teetering on falling apart. but, here we are, so i might as well continue. 

so, on that premise, one of them things happened to me what Mulder out of X Files pondered on, and more than likely (possibly) mentioned the proper name for it, but i can't recall what. as i was taking my usual, fairly routine stroll to the shops one weekend, a thought occurred, or "popped in there". it was of the prospect, or possibility, of expanding displays of wall art in my place of isolar exile. yes, this despite some previous musings (ramblings, maybe) on the subject (here, if interested) where i considered it unlikely for any further expansion. 

of course, then, it would be so that a reasonable, decent looking item one would place upon their wall, and by that i mean a picture, was available at a most agreeable, splendid price. during a tour of various charity shops, where i sought cheap and interesting CDs (i found, i believe, 9 (nine)), i stumbled upon this fine framed picture, now (as you can see) hanging on the one wall here. 

my assumption (or presumption) would be that you can see clearly what this is, what with the image being in the greater good and glory of Commodore 64 mode. should i be incorrect in this, or if you would like confirmation as means of affirmation, yes, it is a print of a painting off of that Monet, titled the bridge at argenteuil. my understanding is that he did (or gone done) several paintings which may be called this, but this is one of the more frequently showcased. 

yes, no, true, i am aware of the fact that Monet was one of them Frenchie types. considering this obvious and apparent disadvantage he started life with, well, that just makes his talents all the more remarkable, doesn't it just. there was only one painter who(m) i ever truly, really loved, but that's all gone now, and here i am, exiled. but for Monet, well, i have indeed held a soft spot (if that is the right phrase) for his works. one of my most favourite things ever was one of them "desk" calendars of his work what Mum got me for Christmas the one year. i forget which, but i kept it for longer. 

that is not an accurate reflection of how the picture looks on the wall, for the record. i took this image at a non-standard (peculiar, if you will) angle, so as to try my best to avoid getting too much of anything reflected in it. not sure i was successful in this, but people shall see what they will. 

will i venture further into exploring the possibilities of putting further stuff on the walls which surround me? possibly, perhaps. i mean, they would be for mostly me to see in person, since few visit, and of course inevitably anyone visiting here. yes, i do indeed rather like that the name (or title) of the painting is in lower case. maybe i will adopt this way of writing, who knows.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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