this is a touch late, but my official photographer (Trigger) has been a little bit busy and thus we could only get the pictures now. for Valentines Day Michele got me a most excellent new mug, as pictured below!
Michele would like to make it clear that she only got me this one as she was unable to find one with Hello Sailors! on it, but did feel that this one said more or less the same thing. thanks for that.
anyway, something of a tradition with new mugs and me is to have as many pics taken as possible of me holding it whilst stood with my chums at verk. there are not as many pics as usual, indeed nowhere near as many as when i had that ace new mug from New Zealand, as Trigger seemed to get a bit bored after the first 5 or so pictures. anyway, let us not lament the pics that are not here; instead rejoice in the images that exist.
first up, here i am with the rather animated and indeed expressive Shervon.
it is always a sheer delight, and indeed a challenge, to hear from Shervon. she wrestles with the use of the English language in much the same way one would imagine that Pythagoras perhaps wrestled with theorem. this is no bad thing as such; it's just that all statements from Shervon usually start off fine, und den she do dat hip yang ting where it is cool 2 du da thang in which you present the rest of it in some sort of slang format. what can i say, word blood.
next up is Knox, and as you can see i opted for the element of surprise in getting him to pose for a picture.
there can be little or no doubt that Knox enjoyed the surprise. well, actually there can. we are just not going to discuss it.
what we can discuss, however, is just how annoyed a certain Yureshan Cooper is going to be about the next one. it fills my heart with nothing but joy to present unto you a picture of my humble self with the one and only Glyn...
well, he's not really the one and only Glyn, but he also is the one and only Glyn in some senses. i am proud to have an image of him here on my site.
with a certain level of pride i also present to you my very dear friend Khanyisile, who i also took a degree of surprise with in arranging a photograph.
Khanyisile has been a dear friend in all the time i have been here at verk with her, a time now closer to 11 years than it is 10. wow! she was also, she has asked me to point out, at that lovely wedding day of Michele and i, a day Michele never tires to telling me as being the happiest of my life. thanks for that, i would not wish to forget it. Khanyisile also has a very impressive, methodical and cost-effective way of shopping, but i am not allowed to mention it here.
finally, here is the Michelle who is known as "other Michelle", to seperate her in conversation from the Michele with one 'l' that i would usually refer to.
"other Michelle" has some funny ideas at times, in particular with regards to a certain thing that married couples would only do to the extent of the amount of times equalling the number of children they wish to have. erm, yes, OK........
many thanks indeed to Trigger for the pictures!
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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