Sunday, October 28, 2018

relocation to phony homelands

hello again

just one of them peculiarities sort of posts, look you see, showing off something that has come my way. and what has come my way this time is something of a blast from the past, since such is not really possible (so far as we are aware) from the future.

no, let's not do another time / space thing here. instead, let me put you in the picture, let me show you what i mean.

yes, as you no doubt worked out from the title, and indeed the picture above, a Sun City branded cigarette lighter. one that had not been used for some ten or so years, or if you will a decade, but remains in perfect functioning order.

with smoking being increasingly unpopular, and the target of blame for anything wrong in the world, i suppose that not many places bother to brand cigarette lighters with a view to selling them to tourists. that's a little bit sad, i guess, as it is a tradition going somewhere it is unlikely to return from.

how is Spiros, you ask, and has he been taking any train rides at the same time as what some revolutionaries have?

quite, yes, it seems he has in respect of the latter questions. as for how he is, well i assume he is ok, i don't ask but i have heard from him and he seemed fine.

anyway, back to the lighter. rather smart it is, and perfectly functioning. which it jolly well wants to be, dear reader, considering the price it was sold for.

there is no error there, yes, they really did sell these for R29 each. that's crazy, when you consider that you can get 4, 5 or 6 for £1 off of Poundland. sure, the Poundland ones don't have Sun City written on them, but when it comes to cigarette lighters, you have to ask am i buying this for what is written on it or am i buying it for its intended purpose?

anyway, i really can't think of much else to say about this lighter, so we shall call it a day.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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