Saturday, October 20, 2018

oh, however will i cope?

hello there

one of the most interesting aspects of our (fairly) modern society here in England is the proliferation of the use of the word "could", look you see. this is invariably done in association with that thing called 'Brexit', and even more invariably (if such is possible) done so in as negative a way as possible.

a great many people are quite upset with the whole Brexit thing, to be sure. which is fair enough, for it is quite something to deal with when things don't go your way. certain corners are, however, going full tilt on this upset, spreading stories of doom and gloom, all justified by saying "it could happen". well, yes, anything, i suggest, could happen. with anything. but that is not to say that it will. or, indeed, won't.

the most interesting of these stories to come along of late struck a particular note with me. according to someone or other, and you can read all about it by clicking here for the BBC story, as and when (when) Brexit happens, the - get this - warning labels on fags will have to change, for the current ones are the intellectual property of the EU. .

wow. really? it would be nice if this meant that we could just go back to proper cigarette packets, but apparently we will have the "Australian system" in place, whatever that is exactly.

good riddance, i say. the warnings do not bother me in the slightest and, as per numerous previous posts, they would appear to be ever so slightly racist. and that is actual, not modern day definition. why? well, all of images used on these cigarette warning things are very decidedly white. quite amazed that our modern, with it and progressive press have not picked up on this, and further asked why it is so. do they think that it is only white people what smoke, or is it that they only want to warn / scare off white people? i am certain members of other ethnic groups smoke.

perhaps our brave new warnings will reflect the bold, multicultural and diverse dynamics of British life, then. but probably not.

yes, of course, should i, or for that matter Brexit, make it that far, then i have every intention of bringing you news of the new warnings when they come, and how i am coping with them.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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