Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Mike In China - The Search For The King

wow, what a fantastic update!!

my good friend Mike, with whom i have personally travelled into Europe with and attempted to cover the mouth of a cardboard cut out of, oddly, what appeared to be a Swiss sailor, has sent some important photographic evidence of Elvis, The King, in China!!

Mike, especially in comparison to me, is the career professional, so no doubt he is in China on some verk related matter or other. but this has not stopped him from seeking out The King whilst he had some time there!!

pictured here is what i think is an exclusive behind the scenes image of the KFC in Shanghai. you will note the presence of snakes and Budweiser. i did not know that these things were available in KFC China, but i do know that The King has a soft spot for both - what more evidence is required that he is there?

pictured here is Mike's lunch, a Twister meal. Mike advises that his was covered in a honey soy sauce number. as Mike, alas, went at lunch time, he would obviously not have seen The King, as he would go there for breakfast. i am prepared to state that had Mike gone in and said "excuse me please i wish to have a breakfast of The King", he would have been presented with a bucket of pieces covered in peanut butter.

and here is Mike himself, enjoying what looks like a fine Shanghai Twister. as Mike did not mention any sort of private booth marked as being for The King, Mike could be sat eating this in the very same seat that The King had sat in a few hours before, eating a bucket of peanut butter covered KFC and calling various Cadillac dealerships!!

finally, an image of how KFC Tomato Sauce looks in Shanghai. it is class that they get an image of The Colonel on the sachet still, all we get is "KFC Tomato Sauce" written on it. what is interesting here is that Mike states that the quality of the tomato sauce is not as good as it could be. there is a very good chance that The King was handed this very sachet and then threw it back, partially because of the low quality but mostly because it was neither peanut butter nor a Cadillac.

my sincerest thanks to Mike for his efforts with this. his credentials for trust and authenticity are impeccable, so this really does, in my opinion, really make great strides towards validating my theory. not that it needs validating.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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