Thursday, February 21, 2008

all things DVD

hey everyone

well, James is developing rather well in regards of the technical world of DVD. i would not like to say he is developing at any sort of pace, fast slow or normal, quite frankly - children should develop as they wish; we are here just to help it along a bit.

James is rather happy watching any of his Disney favourites or Batman episodes for an hour or so every day. i took the decision, since he is rather curious about how it all works, to let him start loading the discs into the portable player and letting him press play himself!!

a rather brave decision i suppose, but i figured that the worst that can happen is that he breaks it and, well, he has learnt how one can break a portable player.

well, no breaking so far, although no disc stays on for much longer than 30 seconds thus far. i think he sees a great deal of novelty in being allowed to pick and change discs up to now. yesterday, for instance, i got to hear the theme for The Gummi Bears about 20 times.....

...and today saw an experiment conducted by James, involving the play surface of my beloved Fraggle Rock DVD and the sticky bits of some dinosaur sweeties that he had to clean of his fingers somewhere. the DVD player was having none of it, but at least very kindly didn't break, and just flashed up "unknown disc" as the laser tried to battle away against sticky finger prints!!

i have little or no doubt that the lifespan of my portable DVD player will diminish with every experiment or bit of playing that James chooses to impose on it. oh well, one of those things i guess!!!! he is having fun with it, and all my discs are locked away anyway, so there you go!!

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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