Wednesday, January 23, 2008

New Zealand, Peanut Butter, Sheep

if one could call typing in a few key words on the google interwebnet thingie research, then i have done some research into the subject of the availability of peanut butter in New Zealand.

i am delighted to report that New Zealand seems to be comfortable with the sale and distribution of peanut butter within their fine nation. this answers a number of pertinent questions, two in particular, although i am not exactly sure who is asking them and who wants the answers.

firstly, it seems that one can indeed enjoy a peanut butter sandwich, if that be their whim and want, whilst they are in Auckland, Wellington or any other fine established community within the land. and secondly, owing to the range of style of peanut butter; crunchy or smooth? you decide, for it appears that the sheep simply can't tell the difference.

and on that note, a note which shall not be clarified any further, those of a mind to do so may wish to enjoy the picture below. it is another of those ones for people of a more exotic, if not peculiar, taste, sent with good wishes and i suppose (defined in the rather wide, broad sense) love from my respectable brother-in-law Grant.

Baaah Excellent to each other, good luck to all those with a taste for peanut butter and wool providing farmyard "friends".

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