Friday, December 09, 2022

emotion of conflict

now then

somewhat unexpectedly i, recently, found myself being in Scarborough. well, no, look you see, not entirely all that much of a surprise. normally, or usually, fate appears to dictate that i shall be there at least once every (calendar) year. with this year (2022) ebbing to closing time, however, i did suspect that maybe this time no, but as it happens, yes. 

whilst there i made a curious observation. of course i did, for it i had not then there would be no real point to this post. hang on, let me qualify that. sure, yes, true, i have made posts out of some rather dull observations. it may be so that this one is too, or not. 

conflict tends to generate a range of emotions, and those emotions can sometimes be conflicted themselves. in the proper sense, of course, and not like when that [text removed on legal advice] Chris Evans (not the proper USA one) interviewed Boy George and described him as being "quite conflicted" when referencing the time he went to prison. so yes, i saw a set of statements in Scarborough which suggests (strongly) at least one resident has conflicting emotions concerning a current conflict. 

indeed i have chosen to present the first statement in the format of the greater good and glory of Commodore 64 mode. nothing too unusual there, but a handy bit of censorship, as it turns out. fear not, and take this as a first warning, the full thing is available for your viewing pleasure in a bit. 

the conflict in question, as you may (or may not) be able to work out from the image, is the one presently happening in Ukraine. actually, i think it's war, with Russia being the aggressor what invaded. but for some reason there's a reluctance to call it a war, or invasion, in a formal way. perhaps for fear of escalating something which already has escalated. the one lesson from history is that we never learn from our history. 

it has to be said that the sentiment expressed in the above (and to the left in the clearer picture right at the end) is not one usually expressed here in the UK. well, not too vocally. true, some have voiced concerns that maybe Ukraine is a right leaning nation politically, but are most certainly (totes) not the nazis what the bloke of Russia says. yet they are a nation under attack, and we do seem to be doing what we can to assist. much to the displeasure of who wrote that. 

but around the corner of the very same premises, or property (home) as the first thing is written, one finds this second statement. even in the greater good and glory of Commodore 64 mode that is clearer, i think. and clearly much more closer to the wider view of support in it all. if rather negative. 

my guess, or assumption, is that two (2) different people wrote these two rather different statements, or if you will expressions of emotion. a question, though, would be which was written first, and who then decided to contradict. indeed i could have knocked upon the door and asked such of the resident, but going on the messages outside the place i would likely have just got my head kicked in. 

for those wanting to see what, exactly, was written on two different walls of the same place, very well, it is below. yet take heed, or be warned (again), it features vulgar language which is normally edited as and when it is required for use here. 

at one stage of that magnificent film Full Metal Jacket, Pvt Joker is quizzed on why exactly he wears a peace symbol on the same helmet on which he has written 'born to kill'. he discusses it all in reference to the duality of man. which, i suppose, is a way of considering the inner nature of conflicting emotions. certainly it was handled in the film in a more better way that on these walls. 

such negativity, really, is my abiding view, or sentiment, with respect to this. just saying "f***" both of the ostensible "sides" in this war (or conflict) doesn't create a balance of neutrality. but then i suppose it is rather unlikely that was the intention. should you not care for either side, keep out of it, don't get yourself all worked up by feeding on negative waves, man. 

may it be so that this war ends soon, and that no such further presentations of such statements are required to be made by anyone. but they will, probably and in all likelihood, simply move on to find something else to write "f***" about. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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