Saturday, November 13, 2021

beach is kissed by the sea


a little while ago (here, a link, look you see) my midlife crisis in exile thing went somewhat full tilt, and i bought all sorts of experimental lynx (axe in some countries) deodorants. there was a promise of actually trying them and then commenting here. it has taken some time, but here we are. at least with one. 

having run out of my usual type, that "gold" one, i decided no, well yes, let me try one of these ones, but no not to buy the usual one again just yet. i gave some consideration to which of the ones i may wish to use, and eventually just used the "love" branded one on the basis of, well, it being the first i picked up. 

not a great deal on the tin to go on in regards of expectations for it, except a tie-in (i am reluctant to say endorsement as this does not feel right) with the lgbt+ community, with various messages of support and contact information for people who wish to, well, talk. dig what you dig. 

leaving aside the commendable intentions of the marketing, for anyone who seeks to help anyone in this world, life and what have you is full worthy of praise, there is the matter of what this deodorant might be like. as in, is it any good, and what sense does the scent have of the name? 

certainly, it's not bad. this lynx love one. they have done much, much, much worse, believe you me. but it is not one i would opt (or elect) to use on a frequent basis. my nose has not been calibrated or tested as such, but to me this one smelt of roses. at first. kind of. well, it seemed to smell of how everyone believes roses smell. momentarily after application, though, it kind of went to a "musk" rose smell, and this changed dramatically to a damp musky rose smell. still, not so bad, in truth. 

it's decent, and does the job. there, does that count as some sort of useful review or give any kind of helpful insight? bonus if so. yes, i shall try one or two of the others eventually. actually, i think there are only another two to go, i did not get completely out of control when purchasing.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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