Friday, June 25, 2021

of nature finding a way

hello there

quite an unusual (and unexpected, look you see) thing happened to me not so long ago. recently, if you like. by chance, in respect of failing to quit or cut down considerably, i found myself having a cigarette. after this most enjoyable experience, i went to extinguish it, disposing of the remnants (the "butt" if you would or will) as responsibly as is possible. go Greta, etc.

something was not as it should have been. there are many, many facets - aspects, indeed - to an ashtray, be it a fancy one or a rudimentary, functional type. one such is generally not sound. yet sound permeated the air around the ashtray, with that in itself clearly being the source. further investigation appeared wise and appropriate, so i did so. 

oh. right. good. a nest, great. 

whereas there are many things i profess not to be expert or knowledgeable on, it is a universally acknowledge fact that i have limited intelligence in respect of nature, or wildlife. but yet even i am very much aware that placing an extinguished cigarette inside a bird's nest - even if that nest was a designated area for such - is unwise. 

how about some video? sure. when i initially peeked inside they were chirping away, probably for food rather than a cigarette, but by the time my act was together enough to film they had retired momentarily to sleep. 

just what do i do now, then, since my preferred ashtray (if it is even possible to have such a thing) has been culturally appropriated? well, use another. one reasonably close appeared to also have become a new home for some birds, so that was out. but, somewhere further down by the river, i did locate one which so far no flying creature has made a ground based home. so i shall use that. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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