Thursday, June 03, 2021

busted blue light kettle

hello there

consumerism action involvement once again, look you see. and as you may well have worked out from the title, it was a kettle what i needed to purchase. never one, am i, to let something what seems like at least something to add here slide by, no matter how dull or banal, and so here we are. 

and so to the beginning of the end. it was so that one morning i rose, as is custom (the lack of scientific evidence that i can actually die says i am immortal), and attended to a few matters. one of these, true, is my selfless propping up of the tobacco industry, but of concern here is the coffee ritual. 

being something of an occasional dorky, nerdy, "time is money" type from time to time, generally on a night, or of an evening, i shall fill the kettle the night before the morning when coffee shall be desired, which is daily (nightly). this i did, and so on the morning i switched on the kettle so that it may boil. 

it boiled, then, as expected and as usual. standard, if you will. or a bit more. rather passionate and enthusiastic it was, that particular morning for it (as i believe kettles are gender fluid) just boiled and boiled and boiled. full tilt. oh. 

with some sort of compelled compulsion i felt entranced by it all, hypnotised maybe. a die cast; a spell somehow woven, no matter or whatever, i could not help just stay, stare, watch. yet still slowly as i did this partial awareness dawned. i was sole witness to something needlessly withering (or if you will evaporating) away, expending time which was probably stolen to begin with, incurring cost far beyond that of coins. termination, of mercy, loomed inevitable. 

quite aware, i am, thank you, of how this is all far too grand and great of a metaphor for the sorry state of my existence momentarily. but, it is the only one on offer, the only one to take. 

once more i boiled it, like how perhaps maybe for one more moment i, myself, might not be destined for discarded disposal. at least the kettle of the blue light did so of purpose and with intent; for i engaged it once more to make the above animated thing alone. even then, i managed to f*** it by filming it sideways. no, i just can't get it right. 

for some peculiar reason a slight thought slipped in of replacing this kettle on an "eventually" kind of basis. as in, no, let me not rush to purchase. but then, whereas i have no need of life and life has no need of me, awareness emerged that i do rather need a functional kettle, so as to have tea and coffee to sail through thoughts of whatever remains. so, a replacement was quickly procured. 

the thought that keeps coming back to me is of that imaginary one, where much of the plight of Dino or Deano or whatever the right way is to speak of Dean Martin as a familiar can be attributed to Mr Sinatra insisting he buy various busted items off of him at a premium. just like i imagine that, over Christmas, Mr Sinatra would visit Dino (that works), encouraging him to sing some of his songs, and charging him a reasonable and fair royalty fee for doing so. so, whenever Mr Sinatra busted an item, i like to think he, and Glass Eye, loaded it up in a car or similar, drove it over to Dino's, and sold it to him, at a premium. nobody can prove this did not happen. 

pictured above is the new kettle, then. a rather posh, or fancy, one. usually i am drawn to the cheapest item on the go, but in this instance i figured, well, f***, i use it often, let me procure the best, and went with the assumption that the most expensive, a £40 number off of Morphy (or is it Murray) Richards (or something) called "evoke" ticked whatever boxes i had not set up. 

my relationship with this kettle is, so far, good. in each instance of my use of it, tea and coffee have come out just fine. no, i have not done anything exotic or unusual with any water boiled via it as such as of yet. at some stage i will likely do one of them pot noodle things, or a pot pasta or something like that. taking it as a given that it shall work out just like the tea and coffee so far, it is a kettle of great promise and delivers on such. which is a deviation of the earlier metaphor. 

video of the new kettle going full tilt, doing that for which it was purchased? certainly.

anyhow, anyway, with that, steely resolve is falling from me. time, i believe, to make use of this new kettle, which i presume to assume remains functional, to have a cup of tea. too late, it is, in the hour of now, for coffee, i believe. which is probably all sorts of other metaphor, or of many other last names. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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