Sunday, October 18, 2020

more trolley stuff

hi there

as i sit to compose this i get the sense, look you see, that i am running out of things which i could possibly put here. this is a sentiment which has visited before, but has been shown as mistaken. however, after somewhere north of 15 years doing it and somewhere north of four thousand (!) things put up, maybe closing time draws. 

that said, there are some post dated things scheduled for the next two (at time of writing) years, so we shall see. but, for now, let me go all circular and just compose more of the same sort of thing what i have been doing on an infrequently regular basis. 

so yes, then, more sightings of shopping trolleys (trollies) in generally irregular, unexpected or surprising locations. although one of them is featured somewhere that you would expect, but not quite. which might add an unusual level of excitement to all of this. 

every picture tells a story is of course the name of a super album by the (not at the time Sir) Rod Stewart, and indeed a saying proven true time and again. something of an obvious thing to say, but run with it. and, to get onto some sort of point, the above might not be quite such a casual abandonment of a trolley as it may seem. 

rather telling (in the above picture) is the sign above the trolley. that is indeed an advert, or if you like billboard, for a taxi company. what you cannot see in the picture is a, or rather the, supermarket from where that trolley is off of. or at least is branded. my interpretation, or guess, is that someone went shopping, called a taxi, and emptied their shopping into the taxi and just left the trolley where it is. 

or, as an alternate theory, behind me (when i took the picture) was (is) a train station. maybe someone brought the trolley to this spot via a train for unspecified and unknown reasons, or also it is possible that they did some shopping and took it home with them on the train and the train conductor would not let them take the trolley onto the train. 

now we are talking, in the above picture. well, i am. although not talking, i suppose, but writing. just look at the elegant, unassuming and sophisticated way in which someone has taken the trouble to store the two trollies (trolleys) they have procured. that is dedication to keeping them, that is. 

i am unsure if i should really share the below, but it's done now. here's confirmation, or if you will, and should it be the right word affirmation, of sorts of (some) of the places i have been to in order to get you these pictures. and, yeah, do some other stuff, as my life is not yet quite so sad as to just cruise around taking images of trolleys (trollies). close, but not yet. 

please don't get too excited about the number of cities listed. for a start, i think perhaps it is counting ones i drove through rather than stopped at. also, that there "google" thing is American, so far as i am aware, and they have an easily excited and exaggerated idea of what is a "city". they seem to like rather grandiose titles for things, do our American friends. in businesses, for instance, Americans tend to declare some staff members "vice president" when here in England, or the wider UK, we would use the title "assistant manager" or "staff member". but, each to their own. 

yes, indeed my September map (and i appreciate this is August) looks almost as exciting as that one. perhaps i shall post it, we shall see if i get really (very) short of other stuff to put here. 

now, the above may well (or might) look like a trolley where it is supposed to be, which is in a shop. this is only partially correct. whereas yes, a trolley would usually be found in a shop, it is normal for such to feature the branding of the store. as you can clearly see, it is an Asda trolley, and yet here it was in a chapter of Spar. 

looking at the most recent economic data, alas the economy still continues to shrink, or not grow. we are heading for trouble. these lockdown measures to fight the invisible war against the new plague are of course important, but the sooner we are able to take trolleys (trollies) to scrapyards to cash in then the sooner we shall all taste economic recovery. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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