Saturday, October 24, 2020

harm you or touch your defences, vanity and security

hello there

in this life, or world, there are many things that one would not have thought would ever be so. rather than waffle on as usual, look you see, let me cut to the business end of this. for reasons which i am ill prepared to disclose, some pictures of me (moi) were taken recently, and caused some alarm. possible distress, too. 

like, i totes knew that i was (in the hair stakes) going grey, this is something visible within a mirror and quite, so far as i am aware, the inevitable way of such things. or such a thing. just how grey gave me quite a fright, and i am now also convinced that a bald patch is forming, at the rear. 

these are factors - elements, i suppose - which i thought would never ever bother me. maybe it is more true to say that i did not give them all that much thought, but as and when i did, just indifference is all i can recall considering. and yet now here i am, waffling away, reconsidering the distress. 

a very distinct possibility is that the image is a simple illusion, that it is not so. one of them iTwat devices off of Apple was used to take the image, and little to do with them or their products is to be trusted as a formality. 

not long after my most recent haircut, provided by my (considerably) better half (at time of writing), it did strike me as the middle bit at the top, as well as receding, seemed generally thinner than would be usual. that seems to have grown back a trifle thicker, though. oh. 

above is the view i would generally (normally) see alone in the mirror. i can get by with that. other than it being an uncharacteristically not bad image of moi (me) where i do not look so frightfully awful, the hair is not all grey, and looks reasonable. 

yes, that is the legendary, famous and celebrated 199 steps of Whitby behind me. i did indeed walk up them, of a necessity for verk, strangely. during my walk up them i had reason to believe that i had contracted, or been infected with, this new plague thing, the coronavirus covid thing. one of the symptoms of it is a shortness of breath, and as i smoked a cigarette walking up them somewhere between steps 34 and 48 i certainly felt such. 

certainly, i bombarded a selection of people with copies of this image, and expressed my dismay in what i saw. weirdly, the general consensus is that i am not going bald, people from different parts of the world with no communication between them all said it just seems that i have been out in the sun a bit too much. for the grey, well, my sister said that i should just "own it".

for the most part, the concern concerning going bald isn't really much of a vanity or insecurity thing. i just don't think i have the particularly correct sort of shaped head to suit it. decidedly, i doubt that if the balding i suspect happens that i shall be able to keep my outrageous moustache and beard, for it will look ridiculous. 

no, i am not concerned that bald or grey gives credence to the rumours spread that i was ageing fast. in this day and age one cannot move for people quoting "the science" at you, with a vague understanding of what that actually means being sufficient to justify any point. with that in mind, as i have pointed out before, all of science says that i am indeed immortal, for i have not died, so there is no scientific fact to say that i will. assumption and theory, yes, to be sure, but not fact, especially not with us all being unique snowflakes or similar. 

right, well, anyway, let me get on with observing some more of whatever it is my hair is deciding to do at the moment. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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