Monday, December 24, 2018

the wait

yo ho ho

well, at time of publication it is Christmas Eve, look you see, to be sure. as many, many wonderful people in this world shall be busy with many, many wonderful things, i shall try and keep this brief. what would have been briefer would have been to just be brief and not say that, but i have done it now. 

Dad sent along this picture, and said "i can use it if i want", which translates as "best i see this on that bloody blog of yours". 

yes, 'tis indeed Mum & Dad's tree once more, but from a slightly different angle, and with the much beloved Marmite having a snooze before it. 

Merry Christmas one and all, in particular those who celebrate it. for those who do not, and i am sure not for perfectly valid reasons, please accept the wishes of goodwill in the spirit they are offered. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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