Monday, September 03, 2018

shapes of things

greetings fashionistas

yes, indeed. with such an opening it is clear, to be sure, that this is another delve into the world of my wardrobe, look you see. i have indeed recently acquired some new garments and related accessories. for some reason one or two of you (perhaps closer to one, but no matter) quite like glimpses at such, and so here we are, or here we go.

an interesting frame of reference for first, though. with the years passing by one naturally expects their physique to change some, be it via the hand of time or lifestyle choices. true, if asked, there are one or two things that i wouldn't object to getting bigger (ok, yes, one), whereas there are some things i expected to get bigger whether i wished for such or not.

one thing i did not expect to happen was for my rather large feet to increase in size, but they have.

well, either they have got bigger (wider, possibly) or they have gone done that thing again when they fiddle about with the accepted standard sizes and thus have required all to move a step up. a size 14 i am apparently now, as opposed to the 13 i thought i was prior to going in to the store.

this is indeed most, if not quite, problematic. for those interested, yes, oh yes, heck yes - it is true what they say about men with big feet, so long as what they say is that it is a struggle for us to find quality footwear what fits well. it has been bad enough trying to find size 13 on a regular basis, now i must seek 14 ones it seems.

my preference, of course, is to always buy shoes in twos, or if you like as a pair. whereas i appreciate some like to buy one at a time - for medical reasons or matters pertaining to gender identification - i am, alas, nit one of them.

some, if not all, of you will not ever never have seen some size 14 shoes, so there you go. for the sake of a quiet life i have elected to take the above image not in Commodore 64 mode.

where did i get them? Sports Direct. the 13 size they had were too tight on the sides, but these 14 are perfect. except for some loose stitching, which saw a discount secured, meaning a final sale price of south of £30 when it should have been north of such.

anything to go with these splendid new shoes? but of course, some new jeans.

yeah, google / blogger has done that thing where they decided to rotate the image in such a way that i did not wish to. i would think that you can work out that this is the right hand side front pocket area, though, resplendent as it is as a standard with the convenient extra pocket for cash, keys, rubber johnnies or whatever else might fit. a cigarette lighter, perhaps.

so far as i am aware Sports Direct really do not do jeans. they do not really do garments in my size, in truth, except for the shoes, and some other stuff we will get to now that i think. to this end, then, Jacamo has become my supplier of jeans in this instance.

cost of such splendid jeans with the special pocket? slightly south of £15 as the sign promised on them, but all the same somewhat north of £14. but, then, i needed some new jeans.

it dawned on me that some of you might not have any concept of just how big them size 14 shoes are, so here you go with a conventional, standard blu ray disc (in box) for scale. yes, i appreciate that for some reason in certain corners of the internet a banana is used for scale. but i did not have a banana handy, just this disc.

what is the disc? an interesting documentary called Iron Sky. fascinating, really. i had no idea that the Nazis had gone and made a splendid looking space base on the moon after having their arses handed to them by the British army. i only have the one degree in history, though, so do not (and never have) professed to know everything. still, all the same, it is quite strange that such a major development in post-war world (interplanetary, intergalactic) affairs is not more widely known.

but of course, yes, i procured some new boxer shorts. they are not specifically for the benefit of the new jeans what i have, but undoubtedly the two garments shall be worn together, or if you will in conjunction with each other, at some stage. perhaps this has already happened by the time you read this. if, of course, anyone actually reads this.

cost? 2 boxes of 2 pairs for £12, courtesy of the pride of Newcastle, Sports Direct. which makes for £3 a pair, i believe. this i consider to be most reasonable for underwear. although i have no evidence to hand, i would suspect that at some stage in my life i have paid more for similar, in certain circumstances yes.

indeed, the boxers are modelled by two quite well toned, handsome, buck, muscular gents. no, i do not look like either of them when i have the boxers on. yes, i will be sending the images of the boxes to Spiros for his most impressive collection of similar images. a nice touch is that they (the boxer shorts not the chaps) are Lonsdale, which is a boxing associated brand, so Rocky or Apollo or Clubber of that f****** massive Russian out of Rocky may have worn similar.

not all of you will have upgraded to blu ray, so further for scale, to give you an idea of how big these size 14 shoes are, here they are with a standard, conventional DVD. with the DVD in question being the superb, much celebrated documentary Blazing Saddles, looking at it does at the plight of land reform administration in the early stages of the United States of America, with particular emphasis on the rail network.

as mentioned earlier, it does seem that my feet are getting wider than longer, hence the requirement for a step up in size. no matter, once again i can only hope that my feet cease to change size much more in future, as seeking out size 15 shoes would strike me as seeming to be no fun.

yes, at the risk of incurring the legal wrath of the formidable legal team what represent The Rolling Stones when they are in full on The Ro££ing $tone$ mode (and when are they not these days) for similarities to Sticky Fingers, there's the business end of my jeans.

any particular reason i have gone for a zip rather than button fly? whereas i quite like button fly jeans, there was not so much one good reason to go for a zip pair, rather twenty of them, these jeans were some £20 south of the price they wanted for the most modest priced button fly ones.

did i get any new socks to go with all of this? yes, and here we go, with a reasonably recent edition of The Viz for scale for you. should it matter, the one where they gave away some entirely pointless and poor quality fridge magnets.

yep, Sports Direct again. i think one got six pairs for £9 or something like that. and yes, further, they are socks designed for members of the gentry, such as i, who are on the + side of the 12+ scale of feet size.

quite, yes, all of these garments and related accessories are, on the whole and traditionally, intended for south of the waist use. i did see a most splendid new shirt, resplendent with pink flamingos, but the price was decidedly north of £17 and thus decidedly of a price i was not willing to pay, what with me having to budget for cigarettes and so forth (mostly cigarettes).

well, anyway, that's what's going down, or perhaps rather on, in a very real sense, with my wardrobe. no, i suppose, in retrospect few, if any, of these are at all fashionable or of interest to fashionistas as such. it just seemed like a lovely greeting to kick off with.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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