Wednesday, September 05, 2018

dansul artelor întunecate

hello there

just another episode, or if you will incident, of the peculiarities which confront me as i make my way through this life, to be sure. whereas i would like to say no, i do not court or solicit them, it is difficult to confess to innocence entire. it is, after all, me who goes out in the world, look you see, rather than electing to remain at home. in a place, you would think, where such encounters do not transgress.

quite a murky incident, this - danse des arts sombres, to be precise, as the title says. yes, that's right, on my travels i found myself quite unwittingly dancing to the tune of the dark arts. no, this is not something which happens to me often, and so far as i am aware does not randomly happen to people on any sort of frequent basis. but, maybe i am wrong.

it is difficult, if not inappropriate or just plain impossible, for me to ascertain whether i was on this road by chance, or if the fates had determined that i must walk it. no matter, i suppose, for it is not where you are from but where you are at. and where i was at was a way to walk seemingly littered with cards in an apparently random yet entirely meaningful way.

the position (juxtaposition?) of the one above is most troublesome. as you can see, the 9, represented by four symbols alone, lies across pathways of two different shades. perhaps the meaning, or inclination of implication, is that i then have two destinies, as selected by this card which i encountered.

no, not especially, i have not really had all that much to do with the ways of the dark arts, be they fortune telling, tarot reading and what have you. whereas i have nothing particularly for or against such things, to me it all seems rather futile.

why? well, from certain corners or aspects of society, we are always told to trust, believe or otherwise accept this "science" stuff as being the way it is, for you cannot argue with facts of science. at least not until such time as someone who is good at science comes along, looks at something that someone else who is good at science has worked out, and works out that they should have done it all different, and come to a different conclusion. thus, science is always "true" and "fact", even when it changes radically to suit a certain perspective or point of view.

generally speaking, though, if we accept that this "science" business is absolute fact because it is based on the evidence presented, well then according to science i am, as point of fact, immortal. this is because, thus far, absolutely no evidence whatsoever has been presented of me being either mortal in a general sense, or dead in quite a specific sense. ergo, or therefore, or if you like so, it strikes me as being rather foolish of me to spend whatever finite time i may have listening to the views of soothsayers, charlatans, tarot card masters and fortune tellers (be they gypsy or unionised), for if i am to live forever then whatever happens during that time shall simply be.

yes, of course i accept that at some point in the future - distant or near, who knows - scientific evidence may come along of a nature so indisputable that my interpretation of being immortal must undergo a review or change. whereas i will not be around to discuss such a change or review, presumably, i do not mind if others come along and correct my understanding of the scientific facts at hand.

but surely, you may suggest or if you are quite temperamental argue, part of me must be curious as to what the future holds? what these cards are saying of what is to follow in the days ahead from an understanding of days which have passed? i would put it all down as being perhaps nice to know but not essential. a glimpse, as provided by whatever meaning there is in these cards which some wizard laid out apparently knowing i would walk them, is quite sufficient.

is it not equally (greater, maybe) possible that i have gone and got carried away? that these cards are less some mystic knowing i would encounter the cards, more some debris of a child dispensing (in a most uncouth and environmentally unaware way) of Harry Potter branded playing cards that they no longer wished nor cared for? sure, that's possible. just as it is possible that the charlatan who placed them would trust all but me, the intended recipient of the message from the future, would see them.

no, i do not believe this encounter has left me particularly scarred, emotionally or physically. it is all just one of those things that happen from time to time.

should anyone have a firm (or shaky, for that matter) (but shaky yes, Stevens style shaky perhaps not) (although he was good) understanding of the message being set out, then i have no objection to comment or speculation about it all. in fact, yes, an understanding of the meaning of these, from the wiser ones of the elders of a gentle race, would be welcome and accepted.

well, anyway, perhaps it is best that i cease speculation and simply get on with facing whatever fate it is these cards have spoken of. for spoken they have, and once heard they cannot be silenced. whatever it was, or indeed is, they have said.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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