Wednesday, November 22, 2017

an important message from ant or dec out of ant and dec

hello again

celebrity endorsements are, look you see, nothing new. each and every one of us, to be sure, needs to make some coins of money. this rather distorted way of life we have made for ourselves, whether our contribution to that is tacit or explicit, demands such. whilst some accuse artists and celebrities who do endorsements as "sell outs", i tend to be perfectly agreeable with this move. if someone felt they could use my endorsement to sell something then i would surely sign up, happily accepting the payment to promote whatever it is.

the nature of endorsements changes over the years. one can see this quite clearly when it comes to the promotion of cigarettes and other such tobacco or nicotine related products. whereas once the famous were called on to show of smoking as a very, very good thing, evidently now in this more informed and enlightened age they are utilised to show that it is in fact quite a bad thing.

it was quite a surprise to see either Ant or Dec out of Ant and Dec take the decision to appear in one of the latter examples of that paragraph above.

rather like a substantial number of the UK population i neither know nor care which one exactly is Ant and which one is Dec out of Ant and Dec, but i can recognize them on sight, so to speak. as far as i am aware it is not like they are apart all that often, except i think one is in a clinic, so it's not like you would need to know which is which. yes, you can in this respect think Jedward, but without the singing and rather hyperactive overtures.

as you can see quite clearly above, and perhaps a little clearer below, behind that oxygen mask, laid in what is ostensibly a hospital bed or similar in a medical facility, Ant or Dec out of Ant and Dec is showing one of the potential down sides to smoking. which is to say a painful illness, most likely followed by a demise or if you like death.

quite why Ant or Dec out of Ant and Dec would be so enthusiastic to promote the dangers of smoking on warning packs for cigarettes is something i do not know. but, on the whole, you would have to say that this is admirable and quite public spirited of them. assuming, of course, agreeing to do this hasn't seen them make too much money off of the NHS for agreeing to appear.

what or who is an Ant and Dec, my many non-UK based readers might be asking? apparently they are quite popular light entertainers. normally they can be found endorsing and advertising gambling things such as casinos, the money from which is presumably helping pay for 50% of Ant and Dec to be in a clinic to battle various addictions.

i do know that the career, or careers, of Ant and Dec started in controversy. they rose to fame in a late 80s TV show called Byker Grove. it was a show that was passed off as a "homage" to the infinitely superior The Kids Of Degrassi Street out of Canada,  but for fans was seen as little more of a rip off. some suggested that all they really did was just replace the cosmopolitan mix of Jewish, Italian and maybe French kids with a bunch of Geordies.

anyhow, they have had a far more successful dramatic and light entertainment career than what i have had, so please don't see any of this as a dig or slur on their good name and character. by doing what they do they entertain millions, no matter whatever the hell it is that they actually do.

curiously in this day and age i note a common trend across the pictures they use as warnings on cigarette packets. this is the unmistakable trend that each and every person who appears in such images is white, or should you prefer classical definitions Caucasian or  European.

i don't get how they get away with this. we live in an era when and where, rightly and wrongly in certain instances, each and every element of modern life stands open to the accusation of racism or some form of cultural appropriation. and yet no one seems interested in the fact that ll cigarette warnings show just white people suffering the commonly accepted bad side effects of smoking.

why is this, i wonder? do they think people would not take warnings seriously if they featured non-white people? is it more sinister, in that the powers that be only care of warning the white members of the human race that smoking is bad? or do they maybe think that it is only white people what smoke?

no matter. we are here to observe the celebrity endorsement what Ant or Dec out of Ant and Dec are doing to warn people about the dangers of smoking.

well, at the least i think it is Ant or Dec out of Ant and Dec. it certainly looks like one of them. if it isn't, well, sorry for wasting some of your time here.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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