Monday, November 05, 2007

James the Bird Man

hello there

well, in between intermitted showers and cloudy weather on Sunday, we had a nice clear sunny afternoon. we were thus able to go out into the garden for a bit and engage in one of James's favourite activities, feeding the birdies

as you can see, however, "feeding the birdies" takes something of a broad, if not wide, definition as far as James is concerned. one can only assume that he is just 'checking' that the bread is OK for the birdies to eat first, as it seems to be a pattern one mouthful for him, some crumbs for the birdies!

James does tend to get a touch annoyed that the birdies do not immediatley swoop down and eat that which he has deemed OK to try and feed them. we try and explain to him that his shouting at them probably does not encourage them to swoop down in comfort, and nor does the presence of our two cats in the garden.

on that note, James does tend to get confused as why the cats do not come along and eat whatever he is busy munching on, unlike his beloved friend at Grandma and Grandad's, Marmite the woof woof!!

if your eyes are better than mine, you may well note a fine blue line across one of his cheeks. a great deal of James's time over the weekend was spent colouring in a Spider-Man book, a Winne The Pooh book and just about anything else he could get near to with a pen or two in hand!!

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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