Thursday, December 26, 2024

tapes for scale


well, the day today (when published, look you see) is that one seen as still being very much of Christmas, although the big day itself (yesterday) is now likely a memory. hopefully, i do trust, a fond memory for you all, or pleasant or similar. 

despite the fact that we live in an era where traditions tend to get disposed of in favour of instant gratification and immediate disposal i was very pleased to receive a number of Christmas cards. for those of you who do not know what such are, well, they are a bit like cards people give to others on their birthday, except these ones express wishes for Christmas rather than birthdays. never be afraid to ask. as it happens, two particularly peculiar cards arrived on the same day. well, it's possible they arrived on different days, but i only got to see them on my return home on the same day. 

i was rather fascinated to see that two friends, who(m) so far as i am aware do not know each other, had apparently embarked on a quest to get the title of sending me the most non-standard sized Christmas card in the reduced category. no, it certainly is not that i expect, or wish for, big massive cards, yet still i was rather surprised by the ones which landed. of course they are presented face down, so as to preserve the modesty of my address. goodness knows what anyone reading this would do with the details of my nominal place of residing in this era of exile, but i would rather not find out. 

these are indeed more or less randomly selected tapes off of my collection, just to give a sense of size. perhaps i could have used a "regular" Christmas card to illustrate such, but i actually have no idea what a standard size one would be. also, tapes are quite class. for those somewhat curious, the smaller of the two (2) cards did indeed feature a stamp what took up around 20% of the available surface, so some rather impressive work was done to include all of the intricacies of my address. 

apparently me sending a card to my (sugar spun) sister was suspicious. this is, at the least, in the eyes of the authorities over in New Zealand. going on the above they opted to inspect it, on the off chance i had decided to send a "biological risk" to their wonderful nation. no, i had not, and didn't really have that much of an issue with them checking, but they may have cared just to ask. glad to see someone fully trained carried out the inspection, as goodness knows what might have happened if they had let the work experience kid or some trainee have a go. 

right, that's about that for this, then. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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