Monday, October 11, 2021

kiwi footwear statement


i tend not to expect any feed back, or if you like retort, from things that i post here. sure, there is, i believe, some sort of comment section beneath each post, but it seems seldom used. my guess is anyone looking at all of this is happy to do just (or precisely) that, with no wish to comment further, look you see. 

but, that said, comments and what have you are usually welcome. i would say always, but then i believe that there are some what roam the internet just to go and write mean, rude or nasty things about certain matters and various people. such strikes me as a rather wanting way to spend time, but far be it from (or for) me to question how it works for others. 

some creativity was used, indeed (or as point of fact) deployed with a response to a recent post, though. well, i am not sure it was actually intended as such, but taken all the same. not so long ago i wrote of a recent (mildly) exciting shoe acquisition, the details of which can be found by means of clicking here. no response was expected, and even if it was, i did not believe such would be Grant showing off his shoes. 

yes, Grant enthusiasts, full well it is you may, should you be so inclined, for pictured here, somewhere around this text, is indeed a glimpse of the one you hold in such high esteem. proudly showing off his shoes, and so he should. and a bit of leg, i suppose, which is undoubtedly of even more interest to a certain faction of the world of Grant enthusiasts, who number a lot more than you might think. 

what do i make of, or think, of his choice of shoes? not sure that it matters, but since you asked, i would not (personally) be so bold as to pull of a rather stark, dynamic matching mix of blue and red. that it is all offset by some white is an interesting statement, even if i am not entirely sure what, exactly, is being said by it. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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