Tuesday, December 03, 2019

steel on the skyline

hello there

it is not uncommon, look you see, for me to find stray items on discarded on the roads that fate has decreed i travel. as point of fact, many such instances of this have been documented here, usually to the general pleasure of you readers.

there is, if anything, a peculiar frequency with which i seem to stumble upon stray clothing, with gloves in particular being a rather popular item for members of the public to happily toss aside, leaving them to lay as they fall. yes, indeed, that is what shall be at the centre of this post, or if you like the reason for it.

hopefully i am not alone in thoroughly enjoying stretching my imagination out with some indulgent exercises. every now and then i do this by engaging in some wilful speculation as to the story behind a discarded garment. indeed, such is the stuff of this post.

when i first spotted the above, my thoughts were pretty much those which you would have had. actually, no, my first thought was of course to take an image of it in Commodore 64 mode. shortly thereafter, it was the case that my thoughts were (probably) what yours were, which is that it seemed like someone had dropped one of them splendid, dapper driving gloves.

on closer inspection, as you can see quite clearly above, this was not (quite) the case per se. no. far from it, although also (reasonably) close. a rather ingenious person appears to have crafted - for an unspecified use - some gloves out of that thin black plastic material what they now make those rubbish bin bags out of. yes, i am an advocate of a return to the days of solid, no-nonsense thicker bin bags. the only thing that happens with these "environmentally friendly" (thanks, Greta) thin bin bags is that the world ends up using more, for you have to double or triple bag your bin to try and avoid tears and spillages of rubbish.

rather than linger on the deft skill and remarkable precision of this garbage bag gauntlet, i am more curious as to how and why it ended up discarded. yes, sorry for using the american term "garbage" there, but it helped with some quasi (slight) alliteration. kind of.

of course i like to both believe and think the best of people. in this respect, i imagine that the glove is here on the ground after being dropped to challenge someone to a duel. maybe an ill-advised letter, containing some declaration of love that was either inappropriate or misguided, flared jealousy and sparked a chap to challenge the would be suitor to a bout of fisticuffs or some other measure of physical prowess to resolve the matter.

to briefly go back to the bin bag debacle, another thing. exactly how many other dreams does that lass have that we are all able to "steal" them? she got given a massive yacht to sail around in, and gets to call on the likes of him out of Titanic and him off the coffee ads to go to dinner and that. for me that would be most of my dreams covered, but there you go, her temper tantrums suggest she dreams more than me.

and another thing, right. i am fed up of people using the incorrect variation of "dual" or "duel" in written conversation. duel here is used in the challenge, the contest and the battle sense. one should use the "dual" variant when they mean two of something that are in a way related. so yes, please stop just taking if for granted that the spelling you use is accurate.

well, at least i think this was a smart glove made out of bin liners. for all i really know it could be a regular material glove, whatever they make such from, that is a bit battered and just has bin bag esque qualities. i really had neither the time nor the inclination to have a closer look.

my assumption would be that any interest you had in this subject has now been exhausted or in some way satisfied. with that being the case, what better time to depart from it all.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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