Saturday, June 15, 2019


hello there

just another one of those nostalgia inspired, sentimental hygiene exercises, look you see. no, i have no idea if these ones get written purely for myself, or if they connect to (or in some way resonate with) anyone else out there. with no particular reason to find an answer to that, i have no particular reason to stop, then.

every now and then i, and surely many others, spot an entirely random thing quite unexpectedly. it's something that will bring back distinct memories, and in so doing brings about a most satisfactory introspective smile, perhaps causing the streams of blood to skip with merriment as they circulate the heart, or whatever it is they all do.

such pleasure was mine when i was on, about and around the grounds of a place i had good reason to visit, and my head was cast downwards for no particular reason other than this would seem to be a normal, natural stance.

helicopter leaves, ladies and gentlemen. as in the plural of leaf, which i believe to be leaves, since leafs strikes me as what you would do when reading, as in one leafs through the pages of a book. should you disagree, and believe that i have this wrong, then that's fine. it doesn't really matter.

there is probably a proper name for this sort of leaf - two, no doubt, with a latin "original" and then an english language one. mostly proper names are important, kind of, but not to me in this instance. i shall forever remember these as helicopter leaves, for when i was a child that was how we saw these and how we played with them.

i am not sure if it was our imagination which stretched to such or if it was wisdom passed down from others. when we found this form of leaf, or these leaves, we picked them up via the "stem" but, held them slightly aloft between the tips of two fingers and rolled them off, into the air. arguably the movement after that was more "parachute", but they span around and "flew", so we felt natural and comfortable calling them helicopters.

did i, somewhere in the vast realms of Durham, pick one of these up and try to "do a helicopter"? yes, of course, there was no question. alas, the skill has gone. either my touch was too heavy, or some 30(+) years of not doing this means my technique has gone. no, not some sort of metaphor or other such nonsense about "loss of youth" and "forgetting childhood", etc, but just how it is. being unable to do it any more does not detract from the fondness of memory.

with all the tools and sources of knowledge available to me - an "internet", for a start - i suppose i could go ahead a look for the proper name for this kind of leaf, or these leaves. but, why on on earth would i do such? to do that would really be to if not eradicate then make a botched, clumsy effort to erase fond memories.

yes, as you can see in the above, i did indeed elect to try and take a picture of these helicopter leaves (leafs, if you are adamant) in Commodore 64 mode. whilst i am perfectly happy with how it looks, i suspected that you might have appreciated the above, non-Commodore 64 mode (i didn't say clearer) images to see what i was going on about.

anyway, that would be that for this. my thanks as ever for reading, absolute nice one if this has triggered some similar memories for someone out there somewhere.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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