Monday, May 07, 2007

Stalked by Trigger

hey everyone

well, rather bewilderingly, i can give you pictures of Michele and myself at this Cokefest concert thing!

i was back in at verk today, and in my inbox was an email from Trigger, one of the lads in the office. simply entitled "I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST FRIDAY", it included a series of pics from the concert :

i was somewhat taken aback to see them, and thus asked if he had got them off a interweb net site thingie somewhere.

the answer was no, he had taken these pictures himself with his cellphone camera thing. i must say, it is a rather high quality cellphone camera thingie, then, as the originals of these pics are most impressive - they have been reduced in size and quality a bit here to make it easier to upload them.

now, if we put aside my surprise/delight at getting these pics, and the compliments to the cellphone camera thingie, i did ask Trigger exactly, if he saw us, why the hell he did not say hello to us, and come and have a drink or something! according to Trigger, we "looked like we were on a mission". this is somewhat at odds with the reality, as of the 12 hours, we spent a good 7 or 8 at the beer tents and the food places just, as it were, "chilling". it transpired, of course, that he did not say hello mostly due to him being in the company of some ladies. as he gets to see me all day at work, who could blame him for admiring some talent of the female persuasion when the chance occured?

Trigger appears to have enjoyed the day too, and gave us a rather smart badge from the day. alas, he did not take any pictures of the ladies who disrobed during the Evanescence performance, but it is not like i would post them here anyway.

on the note of Evanescence, it would appear they have split? i saw some story of the guitarist and drummer leaving, but not at all sure if this was before or after they played here. it says something of my knowledge of the band that i would be unable to tell either way.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!

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