Tuesday, July 09, 2024

does not contain fluoride

now then

recently i took a decision to completely revamp my dental, or if you will teeth cleaning practices. actually i am not sure that simply saying a decision was made is enough, look you see, for i went out and did it. no, not sure what came over me, but is was exhilarating. quite the rush. maybe not in the league of, say, going and throwing exhausted car batteries into the ocean (which is as surprisingly enjoyable as it is legal), but still something to do on a modest budget. 

it would be unlikely, i suppose, to expect much in the way of surprise being the notional greetting to news that it all got out of hand. for some inexplicable reason i purchased (considerably) more toothbrushes, toothbrush holders (actually cases) and toothpaste than i would reasonably need right now. there would be, i suggest, little need for me to go anywhere near any teeth related products in any shop at any stage of the year (2024) ahead. or (2025) next. 

many (well, one or two) of you shall wish to know some specifics. certainly i shall share. on returning to my lodgings in my place of exile i did a reconciliation thing and established that i had purchased four toothbrush holders (cases), six (!) toothbrushes and 2 (two) tubes of toothpaste. actually that figure is misleading, for i also purchased that which is pictured above and so below. 

as i would have every confidence you can see, this is an intriguing combination set of some toothpaste, with an ostensibly free toothbrush. so two of the three listed above should increase by one. the decision to purchase this set was made when my hands, for i declined a basket, were already full. for some reason it occurred to me to purchase this as a sort of "back up" or vague safety net like item of emergency use value should the other items fail. 

yes, indeed it does state that it is "hemp toothpaste" on the box. which, as the leaf on the packaging pretty much tells you, is of the provenance of cannabis or marijuana or what you will. grass, perhaps, or even weed. for those urgently wishing to know the price of this, it was £1. that did indeed have some considerable sway on my purchasing decision. 

of interest was a disclaimer, or note, on the back. no i have not thought to take a picture of it, you shall just have to trust me that it says so. what it says there is what the title of this is, which is that the product does not contain fluoride. oh. right. my understanding, and i am not a particularly clever or overtly intelligent person, is or was that this (fluoride) was very much the "business end" of toothpaste, and like kind of needed to be there in order for it to be what it says it is. although yes in this instance it does rather seem to say what it is and what it does not have in it. 

hang on, i am sure i can (vaguely) recall one conspiracy theory or another about fluoride. there's no doubt some sinister reason it is in toothpaste, at least according to those who take the time to think about such things. or was it all about fluoride in drinking water? anyway, whatever. might be like that thing when people kicked off and got all angry about "chlorinated chicken" from America, without ever explaining what was bad about that, or clarifying if it was so bad then why did they do it. 

perhaps (or possibly) the most interesting thing about this toothpaste is you just know someone has tried to snoke it. that or eat it, or even (at a push) inject it, all on the unlikely assumption that doing so would lead to them getting what is popularly called "high". at a guess it would not be successful, with any attempt at such likely leading to some form of distress. trimming the herd is what they call it. 

quite surprisingly it has been some (considerable) time since my last musings on the subject of toothpaste. generally it isn't a subject i find particularly interesting, yet it is a world i get pulled in to every now and then. it has, at time of writing, been an incredible twelve years since i was drawn into the rather murky world of illicit love bead infused toothpaste smuggling and a little north of five years since i was last involved in it. looking at those posts i also rather like the map for the smuggling route i produced. 

sadly no, i have not (as yet) tried this toothpaste. i did mention it was purchased mostly as a sort of emergency, last resort thing. up to now no such form of peril has occurred which would necessitate breaking out the fluoride free hemp toothpaste. i shall let you know if it does. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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