Monday, July 01, 2024

yeah but now it's twelve years on

who is and who isn't

indeed i do recall suggesting, or outright stating, that it was somewhat unlikely i would throw out any further celebratory posts on the anniversary of landmark gigs. well, landmark gigs what i went to, look you see. but, then, here we are. perhaps it is done, this commemoration, as a means to somehow confirm that i remain a living thing and affirm that i do care for something in this world. 

so, today is the day (on publication at least) that marks twelve (12) years since i, they who are now called my (former) (considerably) better half, two good friends and many other disciples witnessed the thing which they said would never happen, The Stone Roses performing once more. for those who are for some reason interested if you go through this blog you will see all the details you could wish for, and then a bit more, on posts published on the same day and month. 

the only major bit of Stone Roses news between the last post of this nature and now is the rather unexpected yet very welcome return of John Squire to music. quite spectacular it was, if now somewhat immediately overshadowed by Liam going off and celebrating Definitely Maybe and yet more and more talk of an "Oasis reunion". 

for the others, well, i have every confidence Ian Brown shall put something out again one day. maybe even go on tour with his tape deck, and yes i would go. once more Reni has returned to the world of anonymity, and Mani shall be Mani, turning up every now and then but i believe he's had a fair bit going on in his personal life, something which i am sure everyone with a heart has their heart go very much in his direction.

above is some video from the very gig i (we) attended. i would love to say i specifically chose to add some of I Am The Resurrection as symbolic thing on the off chance this is the last post i do what celebrates the anniversary, but it happened to be the first bit of (reasonably) decent footage i stumbled on when looking. no, not my camerawork, i don't think my phone at the time could have done it. yes, if you like, the video is a bit of kind of bootlegging the bootleggers. 

despite vowing never to speak of it all, John Squire when out on obligatory interviews with Liam did say that it was "unlikely" The Stone Roses would work together again. i suppose the best we can hope for, if one hopes for anything of the band, is another compilation of sorts. as far as i am aware up to now a proper CD release featuring Beautiful Thing has not turned up. putting a set of sorts out with that on would be welcome. 

who is and who isn't, who is and who isn't

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