hello there
just another post from me (moi) complaining, mostly, about how one cannot get shampoo what has had lemon shoved in it no more. why exactly they (them what make shampoo) discontinued shoving lemon in their wares remains quite the mystery, look you see. but, here we are, or here i am, adrift in this century i find quite difficult to understand.
but it's not all bad. earlier in the year i wrote with some delight of how, at long last, the much admired shampoo brand timotei appears to be a thing again. sadly no, not the classical version of timotei what had lemon in it, but a step towards such. mostly this is just me finding a different type of timotei with something else shoved in it.
argan oil is i believe what it says it has in it, along with something called jasmine. possibly some jasmine extract, depending on what the f*** jasmine actually is and if one can take some form of extract from it. for the latter, presumably yes, as they have done and put it in this shampoo.
let us not forget that it was Jason Donovan what made lemon infused shampoo a popular thing. we have betrayed him by just standing around and not acting when they stopped making it. also, if we are honest, the world has pretty much gone to sh!t ever since lemon based shampoo stopped being widely available. bringing it back would start to make things right again.
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!