Saturday, July 06, 2024

artistic filth


so, as it happens, i have watched a fair few videos of late. well, yes, discs to be exact, but still, it is nice to remember those days when you brought a video home, and it was amazing you could watch a film on it more or less any time you like. 

rather than trail through every video i have watched of late, let me rather just focus on three. not just one then, and not as many as four or higher. indeed a part of the reason for limitation is that certain videos are not suitable for showcasing here, but also these ones are kind of linked. and i have to be quite careful with them here, for they are intended for a "mature audience".

you can most probably (kind of) make out the titles in the above, but for clarity the videos (discs) watched are Salon Kitty, Lady Of The Night and Cheeky. should they strike you as sounding a bit like they are intended for adults only that would be because they very much are. oh, the sort of link is that it happens the first and third films listed are directed by Tinto Brass, where as the middle one was, and it makes a lot of noise about this, produced by someone what usually produced films for Tinto Brass. 

from this point on i would ask you to consider a spoiler warning in place. yes most of the films are decades old, but a film is new to you right up to the point you watch it. also, as diplomatic as i shall strive to be, all of the movies feature some adult themes, so there, warned. 

the order of the videos (discs) in the picture isn't necessarily the sequence in which they were watched by me (moi), but it will do. so, to start with, the fancy video (blu ray) of Salon Kitty.

plot? it says on the box that Salon Kitty is based on "true events". those events would be the high ranking brass of the nazi party setting up a brothel so as to spy on their own senior officers. very likely that this is plausible, and i suppose rather they were (in a relaxed way) spilling their secrets to their own designated ladies of flexible morality to those in the service of the enemy. hang on, in this instance it was we, us, the British what were the enemy. oh.

any good? kind of. from a nudies perspective there is absolutely loads of full tilt nudity. if we are honest here that is (pretty much) the only reason i picked it up. no point in trying to claim that i was interested in the true story or historical events, as i was not. however, there's also lots and lots of very disturbing stuff going on. and it's far too long, with a lot of waffle pushing it over the two hour mark. other films with an equal amount of nudity and a lot less boredom exist, just saying. 

in the above picture you can see a really, really smart tape deck what is in a car. this is taken from the part of Lady Of The Night which is before the credits come up. it, as in a glance at that tape deck, turns out to be one of the two best or most memorable parts of the film. 

confession time, yes, i took it as a given that the title would mean nudies, and also saw Tinto Brass' name in big letters, which was an assurance of nudies. only on getting home did i notice the reference to his producer rather than he. oh. in short, some high level quality nudes, but far and few between. rather a lot of hideous "unsolicited" personal contact which appears to get brushed off. immense amounts of really bad acting, and a plot so bad i can barely recall what it was. something about someone. avoid. 

for the sake of completeness, above is the second memorable bit of Lady Of The Night, also just before the credits start. that is one awesome early 80s cd player. would have cost a small fortune, that one, but likely totes worth it. i would dig a player like that now. 

on, then, to the last one, Cheeky. which was actually pretty good. well, sort of. it's billed as a comedy, but this would more or less rely on your sense of humour finding it amusing that every shop the protagonist (i forget her name) goes into sees her getting touched (up) inappropriately, be it by a man or a woman. imagine, if you will, Carry On but without the double entendre and very much with actual graphic actions. 

the above is just about the only image i can show off of the video (disc). it's taken from the making of documentary thing, and pretty much sums up the film and the director. a vague notion of the plot is that the lady in it is in London, right, waiting for her boyfriend to move over and whilst waiting she keeps finding herself in all sorts of "whoops my trousers fell down" situations. oh, apparently she is also allergic to underwear, or so she says early on, and this gets illustrated frequently.

were i to watch any of these three (3) videos (you know what i mean) again then it probably would be this one, being Cheeky. the scenes of uninvited personal intrusion were not quite so disturbing, the nudies were plentiful and first class, and it's got a really snappy pace to it. please don't take that as an indicator of the film being any good, as it really isn't, but it was the best of these. 

under no circumstances at all can i imagine much of the above has been of any use to anyone. of interest, perhaps, at least as far as the boss tape deck and cd player. maybe there is something wrong with me that from close to six (6) hours of filth the best parts turned out to be devices for playing music on. it can't be that i am growing up. 

yes, i suppose i do watch an awful lot of rubbish with what free time i get to have a look at some films. but, then again, surely it's only a quarrel for me, the subject of what i watch? cheers for reading, though!

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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